vTools is the IEEE-operated database that contains all IEEE events globally.

To be useful, it requires filtering at the Section level.

Our calendar presents content from vTools from each local Section :

Washington Section Events

Northern Virginia Section Events

Baltimore Section Events

To register,  follow the link to the vTools website URL for the event, at the bottom of this page.

The URL will have the following format:

All major Region 2 conferences and events are provided on the IEEE conferences page .

IEEE Northern Virginia section ExCom – February meeting

Room: Longfellow Room, Westover Library, 1644 North McKinley Road, Arlington, Virginia, United States, 22205, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464442

Executive Committee meeting for officer, committee, and affinity group updates. Agenda: (https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m49b8f3d162cba20c153f7e7763e9fb46) https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m49b8f3d162cba20c153f7e7763e9fb46 Meeting number: 2535 722 9989 Meeting password: hB5JFjMPm23 Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll 1-855-282-6330 United... Read more