
The IEEE Washington Section’s leadership is formally known as the Executive Committee (ExCom).

The elected members of the ExCom are the section Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Past Chair, and Directors. The ExCom also includes the section’s Student Activities Chair, the Section Student Representative, Appointed Committee Chairs, and Chapter Chairs. Officers’ terms are one year, except for the Directors, which are 2 years, with half of the Directors being elected each year.

The Washington Section AdCom meets monthly to discuss items relevant to the section and its affiliated groups and chapters.
AdCom meetings are open to the entire Washington Section membership. Any member of the Washington Section may view the AdCom meeting minutes on the section’s  IEEE Collabratec workspace.


Members of the ExCom and AdCom are subscribed to the private listservs and, respectively. More information about the IEEE Washington Section email distribution lists can be found here.