Welcome to IEEE Washington Section
Login to IEEE’s vTools webpage to find all upcoming IEEE events in the area.
To get involved and make the most of your IEEE membership and learn about the Washington Section’s various technical groups, click the Chapters link in the menu above. Our Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches and affiliated organizations are enumerated there. Contact the local group in your interest area and get involved!
For information on ways to help organize and conduct the Washington Section’s activities and social events, contact the Section. Volunteers are always welcome and there is no experience necessary! Please send a message to the Washington Section Chair and let him know you are available to help. More information on the Washington Section is also available to section members on IEEE Collabratec.
To learn about our neighboring Northern Virginia Section, which has much in common with the Washington Section, please visit the NoVA website.
For more information about IEEE, please visit the main IEEE website. At that site, the IEEE societies and communities page provides information about societies, technical councils and committees, working groups, sections, chapters, and student branches, from an overarching IEEE perspective.
To find upcoming events from a mobile device, please install the IEEE Event Finder app. You can search for IEEE events and conferences by name, city, state, or province; by IEEE Region, Section, or Chapter; or by the IEEE Society or Council sponsoring it. The app is available for Android and iPhone platforms.