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AI in Security: Fireside Chat with Bronwyn Woods, Director of Data Science at Duo Security

February 12 @ 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EST

The Women in Engineering groups of Baltimore and Northern Virginia are pleased to host a virtual fireside chat with Bronwyn Woods, Director of Data Science at Cisco's (https://duo.com), a user-centric identity management platform.
Ms. Woods leads an interdisciplinary team that builds Duo’s policy, threat detection, AI, and risk-based enforcement capabilities. She holds a PhD in Statistics and Neural Computation from Carnegie Mellon University. For the last ten years, she has been applying data techniques with evolving names (statistics, ML, AI, data science) to hairy real-world problems in security and education.
In this chat, we’ll ask her about her journey as a data scientist, how Duo is applying data science to answer difficult real-world security questions, and what a future of AI in security looks like. We'll also ask her about breaking down disciplinary silos and building synergy among different talents to orchestrate solutions to hard problems.
Bring your questions, either technical or professional career path, as we will have a Q&A session at the end.
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464015


February 12
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Event Category: