IEEE Northern Virginia Section Chair and Vice Chair

The IEEE Northern Virginia Section Chair leads the administrative and social activities for its 3500+ members, one of the largest in Region 2.  In return, it provides professional and personal growth and opportunity.


Q. What are the primary responsibilities of the IEEE Northern Virginia Section Chair?
A. The main duties of the chair are:
  • Preside at the monthly IEEE Northern Virginia Executive Committee (ExCom) meetings.
  • Represent the section at regional, section, and chapter events whenever possible.
  • Coordinate and support standing and ad-hoc committees for the annual picnic, awards banquet, and other recurring events and appoint committee and elected vacancies when needed.
  • Encourage and assist chapter officers to hold technical meetings.
Q. What do I need to learn to do the job?
A. In addition to IEEE’s mission and policies, you’ll need to understand several things:

It would also be helpful to have a working knowledge of Collabratec, and a video conferencing system like WebEx, or Zoom.

Q. You’re kidding – how am I supposed to learn all that?
A. This is why we elect a Vice Chair that shadows the Chair for a year.  The Vice Chair attends the meetings, accept small assignments from the chair, and steps in when the Chair is unavailable.  After twelve months, the Vice Chair will be ready!
Q. What if I still need help?
A. Everybody does from time to time.  The previous chair stays on the executive committee for one year so they can continue to coach and help as needed.  Plus the section has a long list of past section and chapter officers that are willing to answer questions, offer guidance, make introductions, and help you succeed.
Q. So how much time will this take?
A. The chair should expect to spend 10-15 hours per month, though it varies – some months are busier than others.
Q. Will I be paid for my time?
A. No, this is a volunteer position.  Light dinners are usually served at in-person meetings, and travel done at the request of the region and in compliance with policy will be reimbursed.
Q. That sounds like a lot of work.  Why would anyone want to do it?
A. IEEE volunteers tend to cite three general benefits:
  • Professional Development: the skills developed leading an IEEE section – running meetings, communicating, managing people, etc. – transfer to commercial, government, and non-profit employment.
  • Networking: you connect with other IEEE members and some non-members that help in your current job… or your next one.
  • Personal: you meet people with similar experiences and passions that

Don’t take my word for it – read what several past volunteers said about their experiences.

Q. I’m interested!  How do I run for Vice Chair?
A. Complete the Nomination form.
Q. I know somebody who might be good.  What should I do?
A. Send an email to with the name of the person you want to nominate.  If the nomination committee confirms their eligibility, they will reach out and let the person known they have been nominated.  They will still need to complete the Nomination form.