IEEE Northern VA Section Newsletter for April 2016
IEEE Northern VA Section Newsletter for April 2016
In This Issue
- Section Report
- Acknowledgements
- Upcoming Events
- Contest Winner and Survey
Section Report
In March our section awarded over $2000 to 21 students at four regional science fairs to encourage their EE-related pursuits. This year many winners like “Development of a Collect-O-Bot: The Object Collection Robot”, “Passive Acoustic Detection of a Quadcopter Drone”, and “Drone Traffic Management” involved robotics and unmanned vehicles. “Guided Wheelchair Steering System Using Pupil Movement” and “BCI Integrated Device to Recognize Brain Speech Patterns Using an EEG” spanned robotics and human-computer interaction, while software projects like “Gear Up: An App for Outdoor Enthusiasts” and “FreshFood – Tracking Food Usage to Reduce Waste” encouraged health and sustainability. Several of the first place winners plan to display their projects at the 2016 National Capital Area Awards Banquet on April 2 in Washington, DC.
Also last month representatives from most of its 20 sections met in Pittsburgh for the IEEE Region 2 Committee meeting. A portion of the one and a half day event was spent on the formal business of the section like nominating two candidates, Wolfram Betterman and Murty Polavarapu, for the Region 2 Director Elect position to be voted on later this year. However the majority of the time was used to learn about the organization and resources, and to exchange ideas for member activities – discussions that will continue through the year.
The next few months bring many more special events to our section, including Rock Stars of Risk-Based Security on April 12 in Leesburg. Featuring CEO’s, CIO’s, and VP’s from well-known companies in the security space, Northern VA section members can attend at the special price of $89 by entering code RBSE-89. Visit for details.
On April 13, IEEE members and other professionals from across the US will go to Capital Hill for the Science, Engineering and Technology Congressional Visits Day to highlight the importance of STEM to the economy and quality of life. Though registration is closed you can read more about it at
Three days later attention turns from legislation to education at the USA Science & Engineering Festival April 16 and 17 at the Washington Convention Center. The shows, exhibits, presentations, and other activities convey the importance of and stimulate interest in science and technology. Bring your children, or just bring yourself, and stop by the IEEE-USA’s booth to play the laser Theremin. For details visit
On May 7, Region 2 will hold a Conference Leadership Workshop in Arlington, VA. If you ever wondered what it takes to make each of IEEE’s 1600 annual conferences and meetings happen or thought about chairing one yourself, you’ll want to attend. Registration is free to members; see For more technical talks and section events see the list of upcoming events below or visit the section web site
Marty Schulman
2016 IEEE Northern VA Chair
While rewarding, being a science fair judge also involves a fair amount of effort. We are grateful for our experienced judges that return again and again, and this year we offer special thanks to first-time judge Arezou Edalati, and to David Kane and Paul V. Whalen for each handling a science fair by themself.
Upcoming Events
Following is a list of events in April brought to our attention that may be of interest to members. Inclusion in this list does not imply section involvement and registration may be required. Follow the link for details.
Wednesday, April 6, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Navigation Sensors and Systems in GNSS Degraded and Denied Environments
Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC
Thursday, April 7, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Dispatching Distributed Energy Resources for Bulk Electric System Reliability
RBC South Conference Center, Baltimore, MD
Thursday, April 7 – Saturday, April 9
FIRST Chesapeake District Championship
XFINITY Center, College Park, MD
Wednesday, April 13, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Northern VA Section AdCom
Teqcorner, McLean, VA
Friday, April 15, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Assimilating Surface PM2.5 and Satellite AOD
Commerce Building, Fairfax, VA
Sunday, April 17, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Robot Challenge
Baltimore Museum of Industry, Baltimore, MD
Tuesday, April 19, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Instantaneous Frequency and Time-frequency Analysis
National Electronics Museum, Linthicum, MD
Wednesday, April 20, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Gyros – Accelerometers – Aerospace Platform Stability
Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC
Thursday, April 21, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Changing Global Requirements for Cybersecurity
MITRE 2 Building, McLean, VA
Tuesday, April 26, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The IT Infrastructure Library
MITRE-2, McLean, VA
Contest Winner and Survey
Last month you were asked to submit a haiku with an electrical engineering theme. The winner John Houldsworth penned an elegant and very timely verse about LIGO:
Stretching and squeezing
A gravitational wave
Revealed by light beams
In recognition of Congressional Visits Day, this month we want to know what issues matter to you. Please complete the anonymous survey by April 10; if there are enough responses results and further questions on topics of interest will be published in next month’s newsletter.