In October 1880, Thomas A. Edison published “The Success of the Electric Light,” in The North American Review,” to explain that the adoption of his electric light for domestic use has been delayed “due to the enormous mass of details which have to be mastered before the system can go into operation on a large... Read more →
This is the monthly meeting of the IEEE Northern Virginia Section Executive Committee. Room: Hickory Room, Lubber Run Community Center, 300 N. Park PL, Arlington, Virginia, United States, 22203, Virtual:
Over 600 million people lack access to the electricity grid. This form of energy poverty disproportionately afflicts those living in developing countries, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia. Closer to home, tens of thousands of households, mostly on tribal lands are without grid electricity. Achieving universal electrification through grid extension is optimistically decades away,... Read more →
The Internet of Things (IoT) is perceived as a collection of smart, connected devices with the ability to send and receive data; “internet” encapsulates connectivity and “things” are devices (electronic or mechanical) that can be adapted toward connectivity. There is an alternative perception of IoT, as a design methodology that facilitates interoperability and connectivity of... Read more →
Please join us for the monthly administrative meeting of the IEEE Washington Section. All IEEE members in our Section are welcome to attend. IEEE members who wish to volunteer for the Washington Section Administrative Committee are encouraged to attend. Co-sponsored by: Sastry Kompella Agenda: Agenda will be provided soon. Room: Multi-Purpose Room B, Bldg: College... Read more →
The joint Northern Virginia/Washington PES Chapter is pleased to host Professor Alireza Haghighat, Robert E. Hord, Jr. Endowed Professor and Director of the Nuclear Engineering Program at Virginia Tech as guest speaker. He will be presenting on the topic of nuclear power with special focus on small modular reactors (SMRs) and Micro-reactors, which are being... Read more →
IEEE Comsoc Distinguished Lecture Title - More is different: Complex Systems and AI inspiring Future Autonomous Networks and Industry 5.0 Speaker: Dr. Nicola Marchetti, Assoc. Professor, Head of EE Engineering Department, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. ( Date and time: Friday, October 18, 2024. Time: 11:00am -12:30pm. EDT. Location: Virginia Tech Research Center, 900 N Glebe... Read more →
The continued growth in the digitization of data has created an immense wealth of information. With this data explosion, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are becoming the tools of choice to transform them into knowledge and actionable investments. Digital Transformation (DT) aims to optimize business processes and deliver them digitally. This presentation will highlight some tools... Read more →
Hello, The Wash DC ComSoc Chapter Executive Committee is delighted to announce that the chapter will kick off the fall season with an in person ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer Presentation (DLP) followed by dinner. As an IEEE member you are eligible to receive a complimentary entrée and nonalcoholic beverage up to thirty dollars. Distinguished Lecturer Dr.... Read more →
The IEEE-Robotics & Automation Society (RAS) Jt. Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia Chapter cordially invite you to attend a Distinguish Lecture (DL) seminar “Safety Issues of Assistive Robots”. Assistive robots have the following safety issues. - Many of the potential users of the robots, including elderly and handicapped people, are not trained to operate the... Read more →
We are excited to announce an upcoming NIST MSED/NCNR Seminar being presented by Mr. Willie Beeson (Georgetown University Physics Department). This Seminar talk is taking place in person at the NIST Center for Neutron Research. Co-sponsored by: NIST Center for Neutron Research, NIST Materials Science and Engineering Division Speaker(s): Willie Beeson Room: K04B, Bldg: NCNR... Read more →
I'm excited to announce a new in-person technical presentation that will take place on Sunday, 27 October, at 2:00 pm, at the Connie Morella Library in Bethesda, MD. Our invited speaker is Dr. Peter Bandettini from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Bandettini is the Chief of the NIH Section on Functional Imaging Methods... Read more →
On October 29, 2024, we had the privilege of hosting Benjamin D. Kroposki, P.E., Director of the Power Systems Engineering Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), for an engaging talk on “Integrating Massive Amounts of Wind and Solar in Electric Grids.” As more states and utilities across the U.S. set ambitious 100% clean... Read more →
The joint Northern Virginia/Washington PES Chapter is pleased to host Dr. Benjamin Kroposki, Director of the Power Systems Engineering Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory as guest speaker. He will be presenting on the topic of Inverter based Resources (IBRs), i.e., solar photovoltaic and wind generators that are increasingly being integrated at a massive... Read more →
As we face growing cyber attacks, organizations are checking their options. How do older and newer cyber defenses work best? How does AI offer new paths for cyber and ransomware attacks? For answers, JOIN US October 30 at 6 PM to hear Greg Cullison, CEO of Qwerx, a dynamic network security company. A former technology... Read more →
With the CHIPS Act in action, the IEEE EDS/SSCS/EPS Chapter of Northern Virginia & Washington, DC in conjunction with Nanotechnology Council Chapter is pleased to sponsor a tour of the Micron Technology Fab in Manassas, Virginia. The tour will include a brief technical presentation from Micron, and a visit of l2-inch wafer facility clean room... Read more →