ADCOM Meetings
The routine business of the section is conducted at Administrative Committee (ADCOM) meetings held the second Wednesday of the month (except August).
Members may arrive starting at 6 pm for informal discussions, but the official meeting begins at 6:30 and is held according to a simplified version of Robert’s Rules of Order. If the Section Chair is not available to preside over the meeting the Vice-chair may run it. A quorum is required for motions to be carried. The operation rules are taken from the Member Geographic Area (MGA) Operations Manual and the Section bylaws amplify those of the IEEE Constitution and Bylaws Manual.
In advance of the meeting the secretary emails a reminder with the last meeting’s minutes and upcoming meeting agenda attached. The agenda items usually include approval of the previous meeting’s minutes, reports from the treasurer, membership committee, and chapters, and an opportunity for new business to be raised. Past minutes are posted behind the password-protected IEEE On-line Communities website.
Meetings typically last between one and a half and two and a half hours. Dinner is provided and paid for by the Section, so it is important for attendees to RSVP to the secretary so appropriate amounts can be ordered. See the Groups section for how to become a member.