IEEE Northern Virginia Monthly Newsletter – Winter 2017
IEEE Northern Virginia Section Newsletter for Winter 2017
Dear IEEE NoVA Members,
I hope all of you had a very happy Thanksgiving holiday and are looking forward to a joyful Christmas and the New year.
IEEE is your professional organization and your opinion and vote counts. Each year our section asks for your vote in electing the next executive committee. The IEEE-NoVA Elections Chair, Jim Magee, has send an email for voting through V-tools, to all the registered IEEE NoVA members. Please take a moment and vote for the 2018 NoVA executive committee. We have some excellent volunteers with impeccable credentials that can help continue the tradition of IEEE excellence for our section in 2018. Please check your e-mail for the IEEE Voting email note or go to the vTools.Voting . Voting closes on Dec 10.
Over the last year we had many events and lectures organized by our section’s IEEE NoVA Technical Chapters. In these meetings our members had the opportunity to learn the latest in IEEE technologies and interact with distinguished lecturers from all over the world. Many thanks to all the chapter, council and affinity group chairs, officers, and volunteers for all their hard work in bringing valuable technical information to our members. The March for science was one of the most unique and memorable events of the year. NoVA Washington and Baltimore sections participated on the March.
IEEE-NoVA participated in the congressional visits Day. Our efforts were to alert the members of congress of the importance of scientific research in the Nation’s future. A regrettable omission in the list of the NoVA participants in the last newsletter was Scott Lis. Scott joint our NOVA section after moving from Michigan. We are all very happy that he is among our NoVA members.
Our Awards Banquet took place in May at the Washington Club and was a big hit. Our volunteers were honored, and the Past IEEE President Dr. John Vic gave a captivating talk on the responsibilities of the IEEE president. During the Summer, IEEE members from the National Capital area, Washington, Northern Virginia, and Baltimore had the opportunity to meet in a relaxed atmosphere at the IEEE picnic.
This August IEEE NoVA officers had the opportunity to participate at the IEEE Sections Congress 2017. Session Presentations are now available on the SC2017 website. This is a very beneficial resource for IEEE members. You can find the Ignite, Brief and Breakout sessions ready to view. Additionally, more than 100 pieces of video were produced by at SC2017. To see if a presentation you are interested in is available as a video, visit the SC2017 Event Showcase page on, the central page for all SC2017 videos.
Women in Engineering events are valuable resources for networking and overcoming society gender prejudice. The Women in Engineering forum took place in November 30-December 2nd in Baltimore. That was a very successful event and was brought to you by IEEE Region 2 in collaboration with local NoVA, Washington, and Baltimore section volunteers. The NoVA WIE lead by Chandra Curtis and Barry Douglas in collaboration with Carolyn Carol, WIE Washington Chair, had a very successful joint meeting at the University of Maryland. Students and professional engineers had the opportunity to meet and discuss common issues of interest.
The many events that are scheduled in our section can be found on the calendar on our web. Emails are send to the IEEE members who are registered members of each chapter that organizes or co-sponsors the event. It is useful if one checks our web for updates.
Some of the upcoming events include December 7, MTT’s distinguished lecturer Professor Mona Jarrahi will be presenting a lecture titled New Frontiers in THz technology, in College Park, MD. This meeting is co-hosted by the IEEE CAS Washington/Balt/NoVa Chapter and IEEE-WIE NoVa Chapter. For more details Please check
The workshop on software defined radio and related technologies had a very successful first session and is scheduled to have more sessions in the upcoming months. On December 16th, the topic is “software defined and virtual networks” with professor Yang Guo, at the Capitol Technology University in Laurel MD, please contact Carolyn Carroll or check for more details.
As the year ends I want to thank all of you for all your interest in making IEEE the best professional organization. I would like to thank our members for taking time out of their very busy work schedule and life responsibilities to come to the IEEE meetings, participate in the section activities and learn the latest on the technology from our distinguished guest speakers. I would like to thank our volunteers for all the efforts to bring these programs to our section.
My main responsibility in chairing the NoVA section for 2017 was to ensure a continued vibrant section. The warm participation of mutable outstanding candidates in the NoVA election attests to the fact our NoVA section is an exciting and desirable place for IEEE members to help shape the future our profession. Please vote.
It has been both an honor and a pleasure to serve as your IEEE NoVA 2017 Chair.
With best wishes for the holiday season.
Kiki Ikossi, Ph.D.
Upcoming IEEE Events in our area
Following is a list of events for 2017 brought to our attention that may be of interest to our IEEE members. Registration may be required. Please follow the link for details.
Thursday, December 7, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
IEEE-MTT Washington/NoVA, IEEE Washington/NoVA/Balt CAS Chapter, IEEE NoVA WIE Distinguished Lecturer Series – New Frontiers in Terahertz Technology
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Professor Mona Jarrahi, UCLA
Saturday, December 9, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
IEEE Washington and NOVA Reliability Society, IEEE Baltimore Section, IEEE WIE NoVA
Software Defined Radio: Introductory Workshop on Radio Frequency Spectrum, Related Tools, Software
National Electronics Museum, Linthicum, Maryland
Monday, December 11 2017 6:30 – 8:30 PM
IEEE Baltimore Executive Committee meeting
National Electronics Museum, Linthicum, MD
Wednesday, December 13 2017 6:30 – 8:30 PM
IEEE NoVA Administrative Committee meeting
Online – Web-Ex Meeting
Tuesday, December 16, 9:00 am – 5:00 PM
IEEE Washington and NOVA Reliability Society, IEEE Baltimore Section, IEEE WIE NoVA
Software Defined Everything (SDR, Cognitive Radio, SDN) IOT and the move to 5G
Capitol Technology University, Laurel, Maryland
Tuesday, December 19, 5:30 – 07:00 PM
IEEE COMSOC Baltimore Technical Talk
Small Satellites: At the Current Intersection of Aspiration and Expectation
Aaron Quetzal Rogers, Director of Advanced Programs, SSL Government Systems
National Electronics Museum, Linthicum, Maryland
Saturday, January 13, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
IEEE EMBS Baltimore, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapter of D.C., NoVA
NanoBioTechnology Commercialization
Esmaiel Jabbari of University of South Carolina
National Electronics Museum, Linthicum, Maryland
For more information or to see events further in advance, visit our web site,
Special Forums, Seminars, and Conferences around the National Capital Area
Conference Start Date | Conference End Date | Conference Title | Conference Website URL | City | Conference Venue |
02/19/2018 | 02/22/2018 | 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT) | | Washington DC | TBD |
02/21/2018 | 02/21/2018 | 2018 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) | | Baltimore | TBD |
IEEE Northern Virginia Section
Newsletter Editor
Dr. Chandra Curtis, 2017 IEEE NoVA Section Vice Chair