IEEE Northern VA Section Newsletter for January 2017
IEEE Northern VA Section Newsletter for January 2017
In This Issue
- Section Chair Message
- New Section Officers
- Section Report and Acknowledgements
- Volunteering
- Upcoming Events
- Monthly Survey
Section Chair Message
Dear IEEE-NoVA Section Members:
Happy New year! First, I would like to thank the 2016 Section and Chapter executive committee members for their service and congratulate all the new 2017 Section and Chapter leadership on their successful election to office.
We are all looking forward to an exciting 2017 year for IEEE-NoVA. The plan for 2017 is to actively support IEEE activities throughout Northern Virginia. Due to the unique geographic area for IEEE members we have amazing opportunities to continue informing and educating our IEEE members for state of the Art developments in electrical and electronic engineering. We plan to resuscitate dormant chapters, reach out to affinity groups, student chapters and plan for extensive collaboration with joint events with our neighboring sections Washington DC, Baltimore, Richmond and beyond. We will actively interact with IEEE USA, IEEE Region 2 leadership and update and engage our members on developments that affect all of us and our professional organization. Finally, a celebration for 2400 years of Science, commemorating the birth of Aristoteles, will be pursued.
We would like to encourage our members to attend the local IEEE events organized by the Chapters and ask our new IEEE-NoVA Chapter officers to plan to attend our IEEE NoVA AdCom meetings to obtain support, funding, and advice for your Chapter plans.
We have many unfilled positions and we are looking for active volunteers to serve as officers and in committees.
Please contact me for more information.
With best wishes for the new year.
Kiki Ikossi, Ph.D
IEEE-NoVA Section Chair
- Newly Elected 2017 Section Officers
- Chair: Kiki Ikossi
- Vice-Chair: Chandra Curtis
- Secretary: Mike Olex
- Treasurer: Barry Douglass
- 2016-2017 Directors:
Vincente Galindo, Joel Goodman, Sandra Hyland, Emily Sopenski
- 2017-2018 Directors:
Seddik Benhamida, Kafi Hassan, Manori Nadesalingam, Bill Scheible
We would like to thank and recognize our past officers, directors, and committee leads for their outstanding level of service to the organization and to our members in 2016.
Past officers (2016)
- Chair: Marty Schulman
- Acting Chair: Katherine Duncan
- Vice-Chair: Rhonda Farrell
- Secretary: Tony O’Connor
- Treasurer: Gerald Friedman
Section Report and Acknowledgements
IEEE NOVA is off to a strong start in 2017, with plans to bring a wider variety and selection of section, society chapter, and affinity group meetings to our members and surrounding industry and partner communities.
- IEEE NOVA Section: held their first ADCOM meeting, chaired by Dr. Kiki Ikossi recognized efforts of Globecom 2016, WFIoT 2016, and put forth a challenging agenda of growth, working with our broader surrounding IEEE sections, industry, academia, and our non-profit partners.
- IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) NOVA: offered their first virtual webinar led by Mr. Malcolm Harkins which explored the elements of cyber leadership that allows teams to perform at optimal levels and lower risk levels for the clients and associated enterprises.
- The IEEE NoVA Section will be participating at Engineering Week 2017.
Volunteer for the Section
Volunteer engagement is one of the strongest focus areas of our regional leadership. We are always looking for bright, talented, committed members to join the leadership ranks. If you have interest in leading a society chapter or serving on a section committee, please do not hesitate to reach out to the leadership team at
Officers wanted
The following is a list of NoVA Section positions and committees that are still available for Volunteers
- Awards & Recognition Committee –2016 Recognitions/Thank you’s and Awards
- Member Development – Includes membership recruitment, grade advancement, education, etc.; this is a big one
- Pre-University Education Activities – this includes Science Fair’s, etc.
- Conference Coordinator – finds new conferences, and arranges support
- Banquet Committee Lead –NOVA support of the Annual NCA Banquet
- Communications Chair (includes Social Media)
- Chapter Coordinator – helps to spread the load of babysitting all the Chapters
- IEEE-NoVA Local Arrangements officer
- IEEE-NoVA Representative to Baltimore section
- IEEE-NoVA Representative to Richmond section
- IEEE-NoVA representative to Washington Academy of Sciences
- IEEE-NoVA Representative to George Mason University Student Chapter
- IEEE-NoVA Representative to Northern Virginia Community College
- IEEE-NoVA Representative to Mary Washington University
- IEEE-NoVA Representative to Washington University NoVA Campus
Upcoming Events
Following is a list of events for 2017 brought to our attention that may be of interest to members. Inclusion in this list does not imply section involvement and registration may be required. Follow the link for details, and click on the “Add Meeting to Calendar” link on vTools for an automated import into popular calendar managers.
- Thursday, January 19, 2017 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Excellence, Cybersecurity, and Risk – Building on the Baldrige Excellence
Builder to Lead Organizations Forward
Marymount University, Reinsch Auditorium, 2807 N. Glebe Road Arlington, VA 22207
- Tuesday, January 24, 2017 5:30 pm – 7:15 pm
Secure SDLC – How to Get Adoption
MITRE Corporation, MITRE-2, McLean, VA 22102
- Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Understanding ARC Flash Incident Energy
1644 North McKinley Road, Suite 3, Arlington, VA 22205
- Wednesday, February 08, 2017, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
IEEE NOVA ADCOM – February Meeting
TeqCorner, 1616 Anderson Road, McLean, VA, 22102
- Monday, February 13, 2017, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
IEEE NOVA WIE – Mentoring Success Around the Globe – Million Women
Online – Webinar
- Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 5:30 pm – 7:15 pm
We Are Paying for What?! IT Asset Management: security, sanity, and saving
MITRE Corporation, MITRE-2, McLean, VA 22102
For more information or to see events further in advance, visit our web site,
Help our IEEE-NOVA section to drive higher levels of engagement with our section, technical communities, affinity groups, and special interest groups. Answer our survey and let us hear your thoughts!
We are all very fortunate to be in a profession that shapes and accelerates technology for the immediate present and far into the future. As IEEE members, we all pledge to promote and use our technology for the betterment of humanity.
Kiki Ikossi, Ph.D.
2017 IEEE Northern VA Section Chair