Region Vitality Coordinators: Mr. Ralph Sprang (2017

  • Rhonda Farrell (2015 – 2017)
  • Kate Duncan (2014 – 2015)
  • Murty Polavarapu

The Regional Vitality Program for Region 2 focuses on bringing together leadership from the Regional Leadership team, the Area Directors, and the leaders from the 20 Sections to discuss, analyze, and implement pilot programs and continuous improvement activities which help the region to thrive.


With new regional leadership, area directors, and section leadership onboarding we are seeking to ensure those efforts go as smoothly as possible. Additionally, pre-work with each of the areas leading up to the Regional Meeting in Wilmington, DE in April helped us to map out a Vitality strategy for 2017 & 2018 which best incorporates all section’s needs.

A short list of initiatives include:

  • New Area Director Onboarding and Integration
  • New Officer Onboarding and Integration
  • Continued focus on collection, analysis, and publishing of meaningful Vitality program metrics
  • Cross Regional Affinity Group Program Support (LM, YP, WIE)
  • Program Pilot Implementation or Maintenance (Regional Elevation,  Industry Integration, Technical Community Awareness & Alignment, STEM Across the Generations Awareness, Cross-cutting Membership Development activities)
  • Social Media Utilization
  • Joint strategic and business planning
  • Utilization of automated Vitality Reporting
  • Continued focus on Industry integration
  • Collaborative, cross-functional section, affinity group, conference programs and support


2016 was a journey in understanding what our sections and areas most needed from the regional, support, funding, and infrastructure wise via a series of regional meeting workshops, and structured findings ranking. We aligned our findings across three main Focus Areas – aligning to HQ – Focused Solutions, Capacity for Growth, and Industry Value. We then sub-divided them into a short list of Operating Buckets for ease of programmatic alignment with the long-term Regional Business Plan. We then scored each request for change from 100 – 5, to best help with initiative prioritization efforts. This serves as the basis for the Change Management efforts going forward.


2o15 saw the Regional, area, and section leadership team supporting this nascent initiative by participating in a wide array of strategic planning and continuous improvement activities (Post Mortems, SWOT Analysis, 2016-2020 Phased Program Growth Plan). This base-lining effort served as a strong basis for our 2016 Regional Meeting workshops and follow-up pilot initiatives. Additionally, we designed an automated section vitality view for ease of reporting purposes.

Regional Vitality Checklists

Central Area

Central PA, Erie, Johnstown, Pittsburgh, Susquehanna, West VA

East Area

Delaware, Lehigh Valley, Philadelphia, Southern NJ

South Area

Baltimore, N. VA, Washington DC

West Area

Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Lima, Youngstown