IEEE R2 Professional Activities Committee


The Region 2 Professional Activities Committee provides a bi-directional link to Sections, Chapters and individual IEEE members on the work in progress and services provided by the local PACE committees and IEEE-USA. IEEE-USA’s focus is promoting the career and technology policy interests of electrical, electronics, and computer engineers. The Region 2 Professional Activities committee consists of the Region 2 Professional Activities Coordinator and the Professional Activities program coordinators who are members of IEEE national committees in the following areas:

The Professional Activities network is a grass-roots group of pro-active and dedicated volunteers who are concerned about the professional and technical development of their peers. The network members give their time and energy freely toward advancing these goals of IEEE.    Members interested in particular professional activities programs in their sections should contact their Section Professional activities Chair with their requests. The section Professional Activities Chair can be found on the section web page

Section leaders seeking help in developing professional activities programs in their sections should contact members of the Region 2 Professional Activities Committee.  You can find these representatives on the Officers and Committee Page

  • Employment & Career Activities
  • IEEE-USA K-12 STEM Literacy (formerly the Precollege Education Activities)
  • Continuing Education/Professional Education Activities
  • State and Local Government/Technical Policy
  • Student Professional Activities
  • Technical Policy Activities
  • PACE Coordinator

For some suggestions concerning some possible professional activities projects based on experience, Please contact the Chair of Professional Activities, Mr. Joe Kalasky (