Attendance Tracking

Voting Members:

  • Director
  • Director-Elect
  • Immediate Past Director
  • Secretary
  • Treasure
  • PACE
  • RSAC
  • Area Chair – East
  • Area Chair – West
  • Area Chair – South
  • Area Chair – Central
  • Young Professional
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Membership Development
  • Akron
  • Baltimore
  • Central PA
  • Cincinnati
  • Cleaveland
  • Columbus
  • Dayton
  • Delaware
  • Erie
  • Johnstown
  • Lehigh
  • Lima
  • NoVa
  • Philadephia
  • Pittsburgh
  • So NJ
  • Susquehanna
  • Washington DC
  • WVA
  • Youngstown

Non-voting Appointees

  • Nominations and Appointment
  • Women in Engineering
  • Industry Relations
  • Region Student Rep
  • K-12/STEM Committee

External Invites

  • Steve Welby
  • David Koehler
  • Cecilia Janlowski
  • Bela Prasanna

Sept 10th

9:00 -9:05 – Agenda Review

9:05 – 9:08 – Motion to approve agenda and meeting minutes from March 2022 (Baltimore meeting)

9:08-9:10 – Secretary review (action item #1)

9:10-9:45 – David Koehler MGA VP

9:45 -10:30 –  Realignment discussion (Barry, Drew, Greg, Bala, Charles R)

10:30 -10:40 – Director Elect report

  • Reminder: R2 Election
  • Reminder: Section elections (3month window)
  • Region 1 and Region 2 realignment
  • Region 1 and Region 2 joint conferences
  • Leadership roles going into 2023-2024 is ongoing. If interested in regional leadership role – reach out to Drew

10:40 – 10:55 BREAK

10:55-11:25 -Vitality Report

11:25-11:30  – Treasurer’s Report

11:30 Thank you, Barry 🙂

11:35 Adjournment.


Action Items:

9/10: Neeta to send out a final presentation reminder