IEEE R2 Student Brown Bag Competition – Analog and Digital Circuit Design


This will be a competition for students to innovatively solve problems when presented with some parts that may or may not be involved in creating a solution. Teams will be paired, but the pairings and the challenges will not be known until 8:30 the day of the competition. The pairs must work together to complete the task. We will use Zoom breakout rooms and each pair of teams will have their own. Work will be submitted into Google shared folders, which will be locked for edits at noon. Schematics (any format including photos of hand drawn ones) and source code must be submitted. Also teams will have video of their operation by noon to ensure those with judging later do not have additional time to continue work. Judging will be from 12:00 to 16:00. Each team will have 20 minutes to present so there will be 12 pairs of teams for 24 teams total. Teams may be up to 4 students. They must be IEEE Student Members, but need not be from the same school or a school with an active student branch. They must be Region 2 students. Not a Student Member? Join us here: Required skills will be analog design (transistors and op amps) for sensor interface and digital programming (Arduino, any language you choose). Participants will need soldering stations & solder, basic hand tools (wire cutters, needle nose pliers, etc:). Voltmeters and oscilloscopes are necessary. Other measuring tools are allowed, but external sources, such as signal generators, are prohibited. They will also need to supply a computer for programming the Arduino device. DC power supplies, battery power, or using a USB input for 5V power only are to be provided by the participant. Prizes will be awarded: Mad Scientist - $250 for the best overall. Evil Wizard - $200 for completing the assignment and doing something weird. Sorcerer's Apprentice - $50 for not completing the assignment, but doing something weird and entertaining. Journeyman Spark - $0 for others competing the assignment. Smokey the Bear - $0 for those that did not work, but did not set off smoke alarms and evacuation of the building. Only one member should register for each team. Names and IEEE numbers for all team members are required to complete your registration. If you are interested in participating, but need others to form a team, please register and indicate that under team members. Agenda: 8:30 AM - problems assigned to the teams 12:00 PM - team submissions must be complete 12:00 - 4:00 PM - presentation and interviews with the judges 5:00 PM - Awards Virtual:

IEEE R2 Student Brown Bag Competition – Analog and Digital Circuit Design


This will be a competition for students to innovatively solve problems when presented with some parts that may or may not be involved in creating a solution. Teams will be paired, but the pairings and the challenges will not be known until 8:30 the day of the competition. The pairs must work together to complete the task. Judging will be from 12:00 to 16:00. Each team will have 20 minutes to present so there will be 12 pairs of teams for 24 teams total. Teams may be up to 4 students. They must be IEEE Student Members, but need not be from the same school or a school with an active student branch. They must be Region 2 students. Required skills will be analog design (transistors and op amps) for sensor interface and digital programming (Arduino, any language you choose). Participants will need soldering stations & solder, basic hand tools (wire cutters, needle nose pliers, etc:). Voltmeters and oscilloscopes are necessary. Other measuring tools are allowed, but external sources, such as signal generators, are prohibited. They will also need to supply a computer for programming the Arduino device. DC power supplies, battery power, or using a USB input for 5V power only are to be provided by the participant. Prizes will be awarded: Mad Scientist - $250 for the best overall. Evil Wizard - $200 for completing the assignment and doing something weird. Sorcerer's Apprentice - $50 for not completing the assignment, but doing something weird and entertaining. Journeyman Spark - $0 for others competing the assignment. Smokey the Bear - $0 for those that did not work, but did not set off smoke alarms and evacuation of the building. Only one member should register for each team. Names and IEEE numbers for all team members are required to complete your registration. Agenda: 8:30 AM - problems assigned to the teams 12:00 PM - team submissions must be complete 12:00 - 4:00 PM - presentation and interviews with the judges 5:00 PM - Awards Virtual:

IEEE R2 Student Ethics Problem Competition


This will be a competition for students to present their solutions to ethics problems faced by working engineers. The problems will be taken based on realistic situations. There will be teams of up to 4 members all of whom MUST be IEEE Region 2 Student Members. The responses must specifically reference the IEEE Code of Ethics and will be presented to the judges explaining their logic. Not a student member? Join us here: 8 teams will be allowed, each with 1/2 hour to present to the judges with 15 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for Q&A. Prizes will be awarded with $500 for the 1st place team, $300 for 2nd and $200 for 3rd. Only one member should register for each team. Names and e-mail for all team members are required to complete your registration. If you are interested in participating, but need others to form a team, please register and indicate that under Team Members. Agenda: 9:00 AM - problems assigned to the teams 12:00 PM - team submissions must be complete 12:00 - 4:00 PM - presentation and interviews with the judges 5:00 PM - Awards Virtual:

IEEE R2 Student Ethics Paper Competition


This will be a competition for students to present their solutions to ethics problems faced by working engineers. The problems will be taken based on realistic situations. There will be teams of up to 4 members all of whom MUST be IEEE Region 2 Student Members. The responses must specifically reference the IEEE Code of Ethics. 8 teams will be allowed, each with 1/2 hour to present to the judges with 15 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for Q&A. Prizes will be awarded with $500 for the 1st place team, $300 for 2nd and $200 for 3rd. Only one member should register for each team. Names and IEEE numbers for all team members are required to complete your registration. Agenda: 9:00 AM - problems assigned to the teams 12:00 PM - team submissions must be complete 12:00 - 4:00 PM - presentation and interviews with the judges 5:00 PM - Awards Virtual:

IEEE R2 Student Workshop “How to be selected for the job you want”


Applying for positions can be intimidating and lead to more rejections than you thought possible. Likewise, you may interview for several positions and find you are settling for second or third choice. Hiring managers are flooded with resumes, many of which look alike. Our presenters will be discussing what they see when screening potential resumes and what makes one stand out as desirable. Remember, the purpose of a resume is to get an interview and the purpose of the interview is not always to get an offer. It should also be an evaluation of whether this is the right move to start your professional career. From the HR perspective, it is how to get past the first 30 seconds of scanning resumes. From the Hiring Manager, it is how to find the person you want from 100 other candidates. This should complement what College Placement Offices provide. Speaker(s): Rajneeta Basantkumar, Matt Hicks Virtual:

IEEE R2 Student Workshop “How to be selected for the job you want”


Applying for positions can be intimidating and lead to more rejections than you thought possible. Likewise, you may interview for several positions and find you are settling for second or third choice. Hiring managers are flooded with resumes, many of which look alike. An HR Manager and a Technical Manager will be discussing what they see when screening potential resumes and what makes one stand out as desirable. Remember, the purpose of a resume is to get an interview and the purpose of the interview is not always to get an offer. It should also be an evaluation of whether this is the right move to start your professional career. From the HR perspective, it is how to get past the first 30 seconds of scanning resumes. From the Hiring Manager, it is how to find the person you want from 100 other candidates. This should complement what College Placement Offices provide. Virtual:

Region 2 – Central Area – Revitalization Sync


IEEE Region 2 Central Area Leaders it is time once again to sync at the Area level - Review our Area wide 2021 SVC results from IEEE MGA GUOS, review our innovation list from our 2021 listening tours, review our recent IDEABoardz data and our 2022 Year to Date SVC information. What can we do to drive governance, engagement, collaboration, and membership advances in 2-4Q/2022 and beyond? Let's discuss how the Region, Area, and other OUs can help your team be successful! - increasing engagement, innovation, and inclusion - heightening vitality and collaboration - supporting pipeline and continuity planning, etc. Virtual:

Intellectual Property 101 (IEEE-USA Free Webinar)


USPTO Copyright, IP, Trademark, and Patent Series Unfamiliar with patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets? Learn about intellectual property (IP) basics and potential ways to protect your innovations as you transition from idea to product. The session will cover: - What is the USPTO? - An overview of intellectual property types: patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets - Why innovators and entrepreneurs should consider protecting their IP - How to get started in protecting your intellectual property. Speaker(s): Elizabeth Dougherty, Agenda: We are excited to partner again with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to bring you valuable information and advice from Patent, Trademark, IP, and Copyright experts. We hope you can join us for the entire series. USPTO Copyright, IP, Trademark, and Patent Series - Intellectual Property 101 - Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 2 PM ET Presenter: Elizabeth Dougherty Full details/registration: - ( - Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 2 PM ET Presenter: Robin Hylton Full details/registration: - ( - Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 2 PM ET Presenter: Bobby Rushing, Jr. Full details/registration: - ( Wednesday, July 20, 2022, 2 PM ET Presenter: Jason Lott Full details/registration: - ( - Wednesday, August 17, 2022, 2 PM ET Presenter: Tomeka Oubichon Full details/registration: IEEE-USA's free webinars/events are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. Virtual:

Region 2 – West Area – Revitalization Sync


IEEE Region 2 West Area Leaders it is time once again to sync at the Area level - Review our Area wide 2021 SVC results from IEEE MGA GUOS, review our innovation list from our 2021 listening tours, review our recent IDEABoardz data and our 2022 Year to Date SVC information. What can we do to drive governance, engagement, collaboration, and membership advances in 2-4Q/2022 and beyond? Let's discuss how the Region, Area, and other OUs can help your team be successful! - increasing engagement, innovation, and inclusion - heightening vitality and collaboration - supporting pipeline and continuity planning, etc. Virtual:

Organizational Fit and Retention – How to get the right people and get them to stay!


IEEE-USA Free Livestream Webinar The last few years have been traumatic for most employees. From mass layoffs to having to quickly pivot from office work to “home” work, the earth has shifted under the feet of many American (and international) workers. For many, this has resulted in much soul-searching about what is important both in one’s career and in life itself. Suddenly, instead of smoothly moving to the next stage in one’s career, many people find themselves considering whether they even want a career – or whether they want a career in a different company. Thus, organizational fit has come into focus. This area has been studied for years in Industrial Psychology circles but it is becoming clear that the topic is not just for the classroom – “Person-Org Fit” (POF) really matters in the real world. And when we talk about POF, we quickly get to values, because values of both individuals and organizations determine POF. This talk will discuss how individual values meet opportunities, how one considers POF consciously and unconsciously, and how POF affects work satisfaction and retention. We will discuss ways to measure values and use those in a practical way to create selection systems and retain key employees. We’ll also talk about ways to find fit between individuals and organizations to create win-win solutions. Finally, participants will get a chance to take a Values test based on over a century of research, and get a free report. Come and start the journey toward finding “fit” by understanding your own values! Speaker(s): Tim Carey, Ph.D., Agenda: IEEE-USA's free webinars/events are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. Virtual: