IEEE MOVE Program Overview


Grayson Randall will provide an overview of the IEEE MOVE Program. Join us to learn about the mission and technology of the MOVE program. The IEEE MOVE volunteers respond to the hardest hit disaster areas to quickly provide the power and communications to the people impacted by a disaster. When not responding to disasters, MOVE provides public outreach and STEM education at schools, universities, IEEE events and public events. Speaker(s): Grayson Randall, Virtual:

IEEE-USA Talking Tech Webinar: Megatrends


External factors unrelated to technology that include global pandemics and wars have influenced the development and applications of technology. As a result, the world has transformed itself and it continues to evolve and reinvent itself through technology. Technology is a key enabler of global transformation driven by comprehensive developments, often called “Megatrends.” Megatrends coalesce around multiple interacting or mutually dependent developments, last for a long time, and have broad impacts not just to technology, but to business, society and the environment. Simply put, they impact all of humanity. In this talk we present predictions of individual technology developments as well as megatrends. Co-sponsored by: Center of Excellence Wireless and Information Technology at Stony Brook University Speaker(s): Dejan Milojicic, Virtual:

IEEE Cincinnati October EXCOM meeting

Bldg: Slatt's Pub, 4858 Cooper Road, Blue Ash, Ohio, United States, 45242

October EXCOM meeting. Agenda forthcoming. ***CANCELED*** Bldg: Slatt's Pub, 4858 Cooper Road, Blue Ash, Ohio, United States, 45242

The emerging roles of AI on the battlefield: trends and rationales


Dr. Kott will discuss two major roles of AI, how they are evolving and what drives that inevitable evolution. The first role is the enabler of lethal (or indirectly lethal) autonomy, the growing reality of the modern battlefield. The second role is the enabler of the new generation of battle command. These roles will (and already begin) grow more profound and dominant. he will explore the reasons of why these trends are unavoidable regardless of policy debates. Historical illustrations and lessons of recent and ongoing conflicts will help the discussion. Speaker(s): Alexander Kott, PhD, Agenda: 6:30 PM Welcome and introduction 6:35 PM Presentation 7:20 PM Q&A 7:30 PM Conclude Virtual:

IEEE Speaker – Dr. Charlie Baylis (Baylor University)

525 S Main St Unit 1, Engineering Building Activities Room 103, ADA, Ohio, United States, 45810

We have Dr. Charlie Baylis from Baylor University visiting this Wednesday (Oct. 18) to recruit for grad school and to give a talk about his research in the evening. He will have a table in the atrium where you can interact with him during the afternoon. Note that grad school is fully paid for through the research scholarships paid through the research advisor's grant. 525 S Main St Unit 1, Engineering Building Activities Room 103, ADA, Ohio, United States, 45810

IEEE Speaker – Dr. Charlie Baylis (Baylor University)

525 S Main St Unit 1, Engineering Building Activities Room 103, ADA, Ohio, United States, 45810

We have Dr. Charlie Baylis from Baylor University visiting this Wednesday (Oct. 18) to recruit for grad school and to give a talk about his research in the evening. He will have a table in the atrium where you can interact with him during the afternoon. Note that grad school is fully paid for through the research scholarships paid through the research advisor's grant. 525 S Main St Unit 1, Engineering Building Activities Room 103, ADA, Ohio, United States, 45810

Student “So You Think You Can Network” Virtual Speed Networking event 10/18/23: Event Canceled!!


Lehigh Valley IEEE Women in Engineering is hosting a virtual speed networking event for students at 6:30pm on Wednesday October 18th. Students will have the opportunity to present their “elevator pitch” to a number of Lehigh Valley professionals acting as networking coaches. The event will use Zoom breakout rooms to rotate the students through several coaches over the course of the event. The event offers a safe space for students to hone their interviewing skills while expanding their professional network. To participate, each student must be ready with a 3 minute “elevator pitch” to introduce themselves to each networking coach, explain who they are, what they are interested in, and what they are looking for. Each coach will provide feedback and help to refine the student’s pitch. Please note: spaces are limited, so we kindly request that you register only if you are committed to attending. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to boost your networking skills! Note also that students must be 18 or older to participate. Virtual:


Room: 120/256, Bldg: Advanced Engineering Research Building, 101 Research Way, Morgantown, West Virginia, United States, 26505, Virtual:

You may use the following link to write a summary of any monthly updates from your committee, chapter or affinity group. Information received by 8 AM on WEDNESDAY the week of the event will be incorporated into the meeting agenda. IEEE members can access prior meeting minutes hosted on the Pittsburgh Section's ( Access to the shared drive is restricted to the ( Location for this event is virtual. Meeting link and call-in information will be emailed one hour before the event. --------------------------------------------------------------- New to IEEE Pittsburgh? For those new to the Pittsburgh Section Executive and Administrative Meeting, we welcome all IEEE members in the area to attend! This is a standing meeting held on the 3rd Thursday of every month. We review our upcoming activities relevant to engineers in our section. Feel free to use the report link above to ask any questions you may have, join us on Slack, or read through our welcome guide for more information about how you can get involved with IEEE Pittsburgh. ( ( ( Speaker(s): Prashnna Gyawali, Agenda: First 30 minutes of the event are reserved for socializing. The meeting portion starts at 7 pm (eastern time zone). The meeting agenda will be emailed on Monday the week of the event for early registrants. Prior to the meeting, a lecture will be held in AERB room 120 (details of the lecture below). This will take place from 5:00-6:00, and afterwards we will migrate to room 256 for the meeting. Room: 120/256, Bldg: Advanced Engineering Research Building, 101 Research Way, Morgantown, West Virginia, United States, 26505, Virtual: