Lehigh Valley WIE Planning Meeting 02/03/2025

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/461492

This is a planning meeting for the Lehigh Valley WIE Affinity Group. Interested Lehigh Valley Section WIE members or prospective members are welcome to attend. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/461492

Spring 2025 IEEE Mount Union Welcome Reception

Room: 144, Bldg: Oak Hall, 1972 Clark Ave, Alliance, Ohio, United States, 44601

Each semester the IEEE Mount Union Student Branch holds their bi-annual Welcome Reception for all the students on campus interested in learning more about the IEEE and their activities. Room: 144, Bldg: Oak Hall, 1972 Clark Ave, Alliance, Ohio, United States, 44601

Graduate Student Poster Competition hosted by IEEE AP-S / MTT-S Columbus Chapter

Bldg: ElectroScience Laboratory, 1330 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43212

The IEEE AP-S / MTT-S Columbus Chapter is organizing a Graduate Student Poster Competition to take place at The Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory on February 6, 2025. M.S. and Ph.D. students are encouraged to submit abstracts in the topics of Antennas, Microwaves, Circuits, and Electromagnetics. Selected abstracts will be invited for poster presentation during the event. Posters will be evaluated by experts, and awards will be presented to winners. Topics of interest include, but not limited to: antennas (analysis, design, development, measurement, testing); radiation, propagation, and interaction of electromagnetic waves with media; photonics & novel materials; circuits, sensors, devices and systems; and applications pertinent to the above topics. Poster Presentation: Each participant will have 10 minutes for each round of judging to present their poster and answer questions. Best posters will be identified based on their content, significance, originality, presentation, and overall recommendation. Three winners will be acknowledged with Best Poster Certificates and will receive monetary awards. Co-sponsored by: Niru K Nahar Agenda: Agenda: 4:30 to 5:00 PM - Arrival, check-in, and set-up 5:00 to 6:40 PM - Poster judging (10 minutes for presentation and Q&A with each set of judges) 6:40 to 7:00 PM - Mingling and refreshments while scores are finalized 7:00 to 7:30 PM - Awards and wrap-up Bldg: ElectroScience Laboratory, 1330 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43212

Realizing Artificial Intelligence: Edge-to-Cloud-to-Exascale

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462458

[] Title: Realizing Artificial Intelligence: Edge-to-Cloud-to-Exascale Abstract: Foundational models with trillions of parameters are being trained. Multi-modal GenAI and Inference Serving services are being deployed for a variety of use cases. To meet the computational demands of these AI workloads, we now have infrastructure with larger than ever GPUs and networks with ever increasing bandwidths. In this presentation, I will talk about challenges of running today’s AI workloads on extreme scale infrastructure. Hewlett Packard Labs is pursuing different research directions for building resilient, scalable and sustainable AI infrastructures. I will discuss how we are tackling the complexities of orchestrating AI/ML workloads by leveraging AI Workload simulations, GPU virtualization, performant communication collectives and novel accelerators. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462458

Regularly scheduled IEEE – Cleveland Section ExCom meeting for February 2025

Room: Conference Room 8, 6361 Selig Dr, Independence, Ohio, United States, 44131, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462345

Regularly scheduled IEEE - Cleveland Section ExCom meeting for February 2025. Independence Library in Conference room 8. Meeting link: https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=mc47bfd1601123b02f92dc9d30938a198 Meeting number: 2532 128 8852 Meeting password: eAemmBJa735 Join from a video or application Dial [email protected] You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 Toll 1-855-282-6330 Toll Free Access code: 25321288852 Global call-in numbers https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/globalcallin.php?MTID=m1b73f5f37c5715d7d6614e841b3dddba Toll-free calling restrictions https://cisco.com/go/tollfree-restrictions Room: Conference Room 8, 6361 Selig Dr, Independence, Ohio, United States, 44131, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462345

Adopting AI: How Artificial Intelligence is changing my work life

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/461143

The benefits of using AI are extolled everywhere we look, but the proliferation of tools makes it hard to figure out what is useful and what to avoid. This panel discussion will target professionals and emerging users, including students, aiming to share experiences and ideas on AI adoption. The panel consists of four expert speakers. Each speaker will give an overview of themselves and discuss their own experiences using AI in their careers, giving insight into how AI is being used in industry and education today. There will be plenty of time for questions from the audience. All are welcome. You must register below; you do not have to be an IEEE member to attend. Speaker(s): Amber Hoak, Louvere Walker-Hannon, Lauren Jessop, Peter Shea Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/461143


1000 Hilltop Cir Capitol Heights, MD, United States

Get to know UMBC IEEE and the e-board 1000 Hilltop Cir, Baltimore , Maryland, United States

Mathcounts volunteering

Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43220

Franklin County Chapter Regional Competition February 8, 2025 Columbus State Community College MATHCOUNTS VOLUNTEERS: The Franklin County Chapter of OSPE Regional Competition (FCC-OSPE MATHCOUNTS Competition) will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at Columbus State Community College (Directions at: www.cscc.edu/about/columbus). Free parking is available in either the visitors or the students parking lots located off of Spring Street, or the parking garage (for a fee). We’ll have soft drinks and donuts for you there. Please note your assignment as either a grader or proctor to see what time you need to be there. FCC-OSPE MATHCOUNTS Volunteers Schedule: • 7:30 – 8:30 am Registration for “mathletes” (WDB) • 8:00 am Proctors Training (Davidson Hall 3rd Floor) • 9:15 am Graders Training (Davidson Hall 3rd Floor) • 9:00 am Sprint Round (Davidson Hall) • 10:00 am Target Round (Davidson Hall) • 10:30 am Team Round (Davidson Hall) • 11:15 am Break (Students on their own, Proctors may leave) • 12:30 pm Grading done (Graders may leave) • 1:00 pm Count Down Round (Workforce Development Bldg, 4th Floor) • 1:45 pm Presentations (Workforce Development Bldg, 4th Floor) Registration Volunteers will be meeting Molly Tenley-Straight in TBD at 7:30 am. Proctor volunteers (proctors) will be meeting in Davidson Hall in Room 301 on the Third Floor (i.e. right across from the elevators) to receive the instructions for the testing rooms and to obtain their room assignment. Proctors will be done at approximately 11:15 a.m. NOTE: Proctors must have a stopwatch available to time the tests and to give warnings for the end of the test interval. Scoring volunteers (graders) will be meeting at 9:15 a.m. in Davidson Hall in Room 300 to receive their instructions. Graders should complete grading all of the student’s tests by approximately 12:30 p.m. Dependent on your schedule, you are welcome to attend the rest of the competition and watch or assist with the Countdown Round. Lunch will be available at the Franklin Hall cafeteria. If you have any family members or friends that are also available to join you with helping that day, please invite them and let me know that they are coming so that we can plan accordingly. If your plans should change and you are unable to help out, please let me know in advance. Joe Bolzenius, PE (614.354.4933, email: [email protected]) Co-sponsored by: Math Counts Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43220

2025 IEEE Leadership Training for Washington NoVa and Baltimore Sections

Bldg: College Park Airport Operations Building, 1909 Corporal Frank Scott Dr, College Park, Maryland, United States, 20740, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462114

Ever wanted to lead and manage a group of multidisciplinary engineers? Would you like to get the most out of your IEEE membership? The Washington Section proudly hosts the 2025 IEEE Leadership Training, in partnership with the Northern Virginia and Baltimore Sections. The purpose of this training is to familiarize volunteer leaders with the structure of IEEE and have them gain insight into IEEE systems and tools. We strongly encourage all current IEEE section and chapter officers to attend the training, learn new skills, and make new contacts to help improve their organizational units (i.e., chapters and sections). In addition, any IEEE members interested in gaining direct leadership and volunteer experience in a friendly IEEE atmosphere are welcome to attend. Volunteering is an excellent way to build professional networks, learn more about businesses in the community, and discover exciting opportunities to contribute to the many organizational units across our sections. Complimentary food, drink, and snacks will be provided throughout the day, including a light breakfast which begins at 8:30 AM and a catered lunch after the training concludes at noon. Following lunch, members are invited to stay and continue discussions into the afternoon, but the training sessions will run from 9 AM to 12 PM. Virtual attendance is available yet discouraged as this leadership training is intended as an in-person event. Agenda: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Networking, Registration, Coffee, and Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM Introductions and Overview of the Day's Topics 9:30 AM The Role of the Chair and Vice Chair 10:00 AM The Role of the Secretary 10:20 AM Break 10:30 AM Chapters and Affinity Groups 11:00 AM Chapter/Section Finances and NextGen 11:30 AM Growing the Organization - Tools and Ideas for Recruiting Volunteers and to Retain/Increase Membership 12:15 PM Catered Lunch (Optional Afternoon Activities) 12:45 PM Jeopardy Game 1:15 PM OU Analytics and vTools 2:00 PM Closing Comments from Section Chairs Bldg: College Park Airport Operations Building, 1909 Corporal Frank Scott Dr, College Park, Maryland, United States, 20740, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462114