Introduction to IBR Technical Requirements in the IEEE Std 2800-2022

Bldg: Bldg. 6, 62 Lake Mirror Road, Forest Park, Georgia, United States, 30297, Virtual:

Abstract: The IEEE SASB recently approved IEEE Standard 2800-2022 which establishes “technical minimum requirements for the interconnection, capability and performance of inverter-based resources (solar, wind & storage plants, including those connected via VSC-HVDC like offshore wind) interconnected to transmission and sub-transmission systems.” This presentation will review scope, purpose, and specified requirements with focus on voltage and frequency ride-through capability and performance requirements. Variations in capability and performance requirements considering limitations of various technologies will also be discussed. Speaker(s): Manish Patel Agenda: 08:30 - Sign in - light refreshments will be served 09:00 - Tutorial to begin 11:30 - Lunch 13:30 - Q&A **A virtual link will provided to virtual attendees and Parking and building directions will be provided to in person attendees.** Bldg: Bldg. 6, 62 Lake Mirror Road, Forest Park, Georgia, United States, 30297, Virtual:

Hurricane Idalia and Lee Debrief & Lessons Learned


Grayson Randall will lead a review and discussion of the MOVE 2 truck deployment in response to Hurricane Idalia and Hurricane Lee. Join us to get an in-depth view of MOVE truck operations & maintenance and the ways IEEE MOVE works with our first responder partners to provide disaster relief to those impacted by a hurricane. Co-sponsored by: IEEE-USA MOVE Program Virtual:

IEEE DAY 2023 : Webinar on Machine Learning & Data Science Techniques and Applications


A tutorial session on machine learning and data science techniques for all engineering professionals as well as students. A draft outline is give below: 1. What is AI and why it matters How ChatGPT change the world How midjourney change the world How auto driving will change the world AI improves productivity, at the same time it kills a lot of jobs, yours might be one of them 2. Future opportunities of AI in the industry 3. Does that means academic research of AI is no longer a hot topic? Is chatGPT that powerful? What is its limitations Different types of data that we need to process Future opportunities in AI/ML academic research Co-sponsored by: Gannon University Speaker(s): Victor, Virtual:

Northern Virginia Section ExCom Meeting

Room: Meeting Room 2, Bldg: Oakton Library, 10304 Lynnhaven Pl, Oakton, Virginia, United States, Virtual:

Northern Virginia Section ExCom Meeting. All members are welcome. Room: Meeting Room 2, Bldg: Oakton Library, 10304 Lynnhaven Pl, Oakton, Virginia, United States, Virtual:

Administrative Committee Meeting via Zoom


Meetings of the Administrative Committee are held virtually. Members are welcome to attend. Reserve your place by registering online or calling the office by the Monday before. Agenda: AdCom Meeting: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M Virtual: