IEEE R2 WIE Meeting and Talk:”Biomedical Unstructured Data Integration and Challenges.”


The IEEE R2 Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Goups meeting is on June 13, 2022. All (members and guests) are welcome! We would love for all of our 11 WIE Chairs stay engaged and share "what's new?" "While girls may be enthusiastic about a career in computer science, not many of them follow that dream. There are many reasons for that, one of them being the lack of inspiring female role models" One of those models is Dr. Priya Deshpande, who recently received her PhD in Computer Science from DePaul University, Chicago. Priya will share her career journey as a women in tech. Her talk, "Biomedical Unstructured Data Integration and Challenges" will discuss the importance of data-driven research in advancing biomedical knowledge and applications, such as more efficient healthcare delivery systems, improved clinical diagnostic processes, novel biomedical discoveries, and more. However, despite the huge amounts of clinical and biomedical data generated in hospitals, clinics and research institutes, datasets are often not shared. There is lack of data integration across information systems. A solution to integrating heterogenous unstructured biomedical data will be introduced. Speaker(s): Dr. Priya Deshpande, Agenda: Draft Agenda 7:00pm Call to order, Welcome and Roll Call (R2 WIE AG Chairs) 7:15pm Introduce Speaker / Presentation 7:35pm Brief Reports / Updates (All R2 WIE AG Chairs) 7:55pm Any new business 8:00pm Close Virtual: