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Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Peter James Kootsookos, PhD – 25 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST

February 26, 2025 @ 01:00 - 02:00

Dr Kootsookos, IEEE Connecticut Section Chair. Dr Kootsookos will describe his career preparation. He will conduct a deep dive of his field as an expert in patent arbitration providing source code reviews. He is a teacher of telecommunications, signal & image processing, circuit analysis, digital hardware, and various software engineering courses at the University of New Haven, Fairfield University, Central Connecticut State University, and CT State Community College, Middlesex in the US and the Australian National University and University of Queensland in Australia. He is a Researcher: Signal processing research: more than 40 papers in conferences and international journals in signal, video, and image processing; Full life-cycle systems engineering: requirements, analysis, design, verification, validation, delivery; Quality processes worked with: IS09001-2000, CMMI, ACE (UTC’s Achieving Competitive Excellence). Speaker(s): Dr. Peter James Kootsookos, PhD Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456326