IEEE Region 2 Meeting Action Items

Erie, PA

April 16-17, 2011


Topic Action Responsible

Region 1-6 Revitalization Strategy

Metropolitan Area Workshops (MAW) Identify sections that have an interest in hosting a Metropolitan Area Workshop in 2012.  Select section(s) to host a MAW. Raj Madhavan

Ralph Ford


Region Outstanding Meeting Program Start the implementation of this program by identifying meetings to share, establishing a program budget, and starting program implementation Parviz Famouri
Meeting Podcast Concept Identify requirements for meeting podcast concept. Determine technology and resources needed to pilot such a program. Ralph Ford

Murty Polavarapu

Industry Relations Events Identify strategies and events for increasing industry engagement in Region 2.  Investigate the Industry Day concept that was implemented in Region 1 and determine feasibility of similar offering in Region 2. John Zhang, Region 2 Industry Relations Chair
Region 2 Online Volunteer Training Host a volunteer training event prior to the start of the new calendar year.  Determine the resources needed to implement this starting in Fall 2011 Murty Polavarpu
IEEE-USA Day Local events to introduce members to IEEE resources. Propose concept and develop details for pilot implementation Murty Polavarapu
Membership Development
Identify Membership Development Chair Each Section is strongly encouraged to have a membership development chair who can participate in membership development webinars and implement actions in Section. Section Chairs

Javvad Qassimi

Student Activities
Student Activities Conference Ad Hoc Committee Identify and charge committee to review financial model for Region 2 Student Activities Conference Parviz Famouri
Section’s Congress 2011
R2 SC Recommendations – finalize and submit Finalize and submit recommendations Marc Apter

Murty Polavarapu

Determine R2 committee member attendance   Ralph Ford