2017 Director’s Welcome
Thank you for allowing me to serve as Director of the IEEE Region 2 for 2017 and 2018. It is really an honor. As you may know, the region encompasses Delaware, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, northern Virginia, southern New Jersey, West Virginia, and Washington, DC, serving more than 25,000 members. We are one of 10 geographical regions around the world which serve IEEE’s approximately 400,000 member total.
As Director, it is among my duties to represent our region and IEEE at the board level in IEEE-USA, MGA, chair of the region committee, as well as serve as a member of IEEE and MGA assemblies.
Many of the goals I have formulated for my tenure in this position rest on the foundation established by the thoughtful work of those who preceded me. Crucial to our future as an organization is sowing the seeds of membership growth, while enhancing the value derived and contributed by current membership. While these goals may not seem mutually exclusive, generational and other differences in perceptions and realities will likely provide challenges as yet unseen. Fortunately for us, challenges are the engineer’s forte.
Because you are reading this, it’s probably safe to assume you are already involved in IEEE beyond some casual measure. If not, and you simply stumbled upon this page via some random probability, look around, maybe there is something here for you. Stranger things have happened. I encourage all to take an even more active role in the organization. Create value for yourself and others around you by volunteering to help out at any level you can. Promote membership and good will towards the organization wherever you go.
It is essential to celebrate the hard work that has been done by the organization and its volunteers thus far. Every moment spent and every event at every level is the product of genuine commitment and hard labor invested by the good and willing people who want to make a difference.
I urge all members to share their ideas for Region 2, bring forth their concerns and become active participants if they are not already. It is my promise to work to enable all willing members to implement their concepts for a better IEEE at every level.
Kate Duncan
IEEE Region 2 Director 2017-2018