A message from the director

Welcome to IEEE Region 2!

parvizfIt is a distinct honor and privilege to serve you as the Director of the IEEE Region 2 for 2013-2014 term. Although it is an immense challenge to continue Ralph Ford’s leadership, I look forward with great pleasure to working with the many engineers in the Region, especially, the recently elected Sections’ volunteers and officers through out the Region.

IEEE Region 2 has a proud heritage and serves over 32,000 members in Delaware, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, northern Virginia, southern New Jersey, West Virginia, and Washington, DC.

In this inaugural welcome message, I want to especially thank all of our volunteers who give their invaluable time to serve you by bringing and organizing new professional, technical, and social activities all throughout the Region. Some of the names of these volunteers are depicted on your section newsletters that you receive. If you recognize any of the names, next time you see them, pat them on the back for doing such an outstanding job. Finally, I would like to thank the employers for being flexible so these volunteers can be involved with the Sections’ activities. By having active Sections, the employers, engineering employees, consultants, and students will all benefit. Please attend and encourage others to attend technical presentations and other professional and social activities of your Section. With the exception of tutorials, most Sections’ meetings are free of charge. In this day and age of global market economy, keeping up-to-date with professional and technical issues is becoming increasingly crucial to survive, strive and thrive in the job market. Your Section is dedicated to bring you more relevant presentations that will enhance you and your career. We need you to propose new ideas for activities and your involvement is important and will enhance the rich tradition of the Region 2 IEEE. As your new Director, I look forward to working with you all. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

Parviz Famouri

Region 2 Director, 2013-2014


