Week of Events
Cyber Attack Detection and Quick Response Strategy
Cyber Attack Detection and Quick Response Strategy
Cyber Attack Detection and Quick Response Strategy With regard to online activities, one should really be aware of the existence of cyber threats, metaphorically described as some sort of 'digital enemies' that seek many ways to compromise our systems. In this regard, we go on to discuss the very important topic entitled "Cyber Attack Detection and Quick Response Strategy," concerning recognition of the potential threats such as phishing, malware, and DDoS attack, and understand ways to handle them. We are also going to cover how to develop investigative skills that could help in the detection of irregular activities, and development of a contingency plan to be implemented when an attack is successful. We'll also look at advanced hardening strategies and why training your team and security assessments are so important. By the end of our discussion, participants will be fully empowered in the protection of digital assets, identification of any likely threats, and the neutralization of such threats to render the cyber adversary impotent. Speaker(s): Mr Sairam Durgaraju Agenda: WEBINAR: 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. The Zoom Webinar link and password will be forwarded to all registered participants after Noon on the day of the meeting. Check your spam folder if you don't see the email. Webinar is open to all. PDH certificates are available and an evaluation form will be emailed to you after the meeting. PDH certificate are sent by IEEE USA 3-4 weeks after the meeting. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463961
IEEE MOVE 2025 Annual Townhall
IEEE MOVE 2025 Annual Townhall
Want to know more about MOVE disaster relief effort? The IEEE MOVE Townhall will provide a review of 2024 activities for all MOVE teams and then an overview of MOVE Plans for 2025 and beyond. Co-sponsored by: IEEE-USA MOVE Program Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462196
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: Engineering Safer Futures – The SAFE Leader Approach to Masculinity and Inclusion in Engineering
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: Engineering Safer Futures – The SAFE Leader Approach to Masculinity and Inclusion in Engineering
Join us for a transformative session exploring the critical intersections of safety, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the engineering profession. Led by Dr. Mark McBride-Wright, author of The SAFE Leader and a globally recognized advocate for inclusion in engineering, this webinar dives deep into how traditional norms of masculinity impact safety culture, workplace inclusion, and mental health in engineering. Discover actionable insights from the SAFE Leader framework—Share, Act, Feel, Empower—and learn how to foster an environment where every engineer can thrive. By addressing societal pressures, breaking down barriers, and empowering leaders to embrace DEI as a core component of safety culture, participants will leave with tools to drive meaningful change in their organizations. This webinar is a must-attend for engineers, leaders, and DEI advocates striving to create safer, more inclusive engineering spaces. Speaker(s): Dr. Mark McBride-Wright Agenda: IEEE-USA's free webinars/events are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. Learn about our sponsor: the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program - Powered by AMBA. AMBA specializes in providing tailored insurance solutions for IEEE members. Whether you’re seeking health, life, or disability coverage, AMBA has you covered. Visit the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program website to explore the benefits and options available to you: (https://www.ieeeinsurance.com/) For information regarding upcoming webinars or to visit our vast webinar archive, please visit: (https://ieeeusa.org/careers/webinars/) (https://newsletter.smartbrief.com/rest/sign-up/2479DAB0-4089-43E7-925D-86AE0C1E6244?campaign=e0d52cef) Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463521
TopGolf Social Event
TopGolf Social Event
Social event for IEEE CLE Section Members at TopGolf. This event is sponsored by the Life Members Affinity Group but is open to other-than Life Members as well. It is anticipated that we will have two or three bays at TopGolf for as many as 18 Members. You do not have to be good at golf to participate. TopGolf is a super duper driving range with electronic wizardry! In addition to the game, Food & (mostly non-alcoholic) Beverage is provided. One alcoholic drink per Member to be comp'd by Section. We are doing this event on a Wednesday, which is a non-busy night at TopGolf. The bays are available on a walk-in basis. Should we have to wait for bays, then we will do so at the bar/restaurant. There is free parking. To help us plan this event (i.e. reserve the correct number of bays on March 19), we are asking Members to pay $10 each upon registration. As the Cleveland IEEE CLE Section is subsidizing this event, non-member guests may join in but will need to pay $50 each. In spite of what the registration process says, the money can be refunded. 5820 Rockside Woods Blvd., North, Independence, Ohio, United States, 44131
IEEE Cincinnati March 2025 EXCOM Meeting
IEEE Cincinnati March 2025 EXCOM Meeting
March 2025 EXCOM meeting only. Not a general meeting. Slatts Pub, 4858 Cooper Road, Blue Ash, Ohio, United States, 45242
The Meaning Behind the Signal: How Semantics are Transforming Wireless Communications
The Meaning Behind the Signal: How Semantics are Transforming Wireless Communications
Special Presentation by Dr. Lina Mohjazi & Dr. Yao Sun (U. of Glasgow, UK) Hosted by the Future Networks Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIML) Working Group Date/Time: Thursday, 20 March 2025 @ 12:00 UTC Topic: The Meaning Behind the Signal: How Semantics are Transforming Wireless Communications Abstract: Semantic communication (SemCom) has recently emerged as a transformative paradigm, prioritizing accurate reception of message meaning over mere bits. The core concept is to empower wireless transceivers with reasoning and causality. In this talk, we will start with the basics of SemCom. Then some design challenges on both link level and network level will be introduced. We will later discuss several technical works on resource management in SemCom networks. Finally, some potential applications of SemCom will be presented. Speaker: [] Lina Mohjazi is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow (UofG), UK. She received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the prestigious 5G/6G Innovation Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K., in 2018. She has co-authored more than 80 research papers in international high-impact journals and highly-rated conferences as well as book chapters. Her research interests include green and sustainable wireless communications, IoT’s, machine learning, energy efficiency, fundamental performance limits, and beyond 5G/6G and its applications. She is Deputy Director of the Robotics AI for NetZero (RAINZ) Centre for Doctoral Training at UofG. Dr. Mohjazi is the Women in Engineering Engagement Lead at the IEEE Communication Society UK&I. She is Fellow of Women's Engineering Society (WES) and a Senior Member of the IEEE. She served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters (received the Exemplary Editor Award 2023). Dr. Mohjazi was endorsed as ”Global Talent” by the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK in 2020, and as a “High Level Foreign Talent” by the Chinese Government in 2023. She was also the recipient of multiple teaching awards, the IEEE GPECOM 2022 best paper presentation award, and the IEEE Women in Engineering UK&I Engineering Excellence award. She is an Affiliate Member of Mohammed Bin Rashid Academy of Scientists, UAE. Yao Sun is currently a Lecturer with James Watt School of Engineering, the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. Dr. Sun has extensive research experience and has published widely in wireless networking research. He has won the IEEE Communication Society of TAOS Best Paper Award in 2019 ICC, IEEE IoT Journal Best Paper Award 2022, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing Best Paper Award 2023, and Best Paper Award in 22nd ICCT. He has been the guest editor for special issues of several international journals. He has served as TPC Chair for UCET 2021, the symposium chair for VTC 2024 Spring, and TPC member for a number of international flagship conferences, including ICC, GLOBECOM, WCNC. His research interests include intelligent wireless networking, semantic communications, blockchain system, and resource management in next generation mobile networks. Dr. Sun is a senior member of IEEE. Co-sponsored by: Future Networks Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIML) Working Group Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/466701
Pittsburgh Section Executive and Administrative Committee – March (VIRTUAL ONLY)
Pittsburgh Section Executive and Administrative Committee – March (VIRTUAL ONLY)
You may use the following link to write a summary of any monthly updates from your committee, chapter or affinity group. Information received by 12 PM on day of the meeting will be incorporated into the meeting agenda. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wpS25qZNI59af8JWtFwGCuxjPyz--moWHFy5NgXBpIA/edit?usp=sharing) IEEE members can access prior meeting minutes hosted on the Pittsburgh Section's (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_UTt5t_dxNP1M5dO87OOeR25t8P7qQHp?usp=sharing). Access to the shared drive is restricted to the (https://www.ieee.org/membership/products/google-apps.html). Location for this event is virtual. Meeting link and call-in information will be emailed one hour before the event. Agenda: First 30 minutes of the event are reserved for socializing. The meeting portion starts at 7 pm (eastern time zone). (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wpS25qZNI59af8JWtFwGCuxjPyz--moWHFy5NgXBpIA/edit?usp=sharing) Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/466835
Executive Committee planning meeting for upcoming events. All ExCom's are Virtual. These are open to all members including students. At this time the meeting will be remote. Connection information will be sent out at 3:00pm on the day of the meeting to those who have registered. Please register for the meeting by noon of the day of, even if you are an Officer. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month We do not meet July and December. With that in mind the 2025 dates are: 3/20; 4/17; 5/15; 6/19; 8/21(new); 9/18; 10/16; 11/20 Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/469141
Building the Solar System Internet
Building the Solar System Internet
Dr. Rachel Dudukovich, a subject matter expert at NASA Glenn Research Center, will present in this seminar. Her presentation will cover recent advancements in space internet working technologies essential for developing a future Solar System Internet. NASA Glenn Research Center has conducted multiple flight experiments using delay-tolerant networking as the foundational architecture. Topics include: (1) High-rate Delay Tolerant Networking (HDTN) experiments on the International Space Station, achieving gigabit-per-second data rates over laser communication links, and (2) small satellite experiments automating space communication, conducted in collaboration with Ames Research Center and the Cognitive Communications project at NASA Glenn. Room: 405, Bldg: WH, Cleveland State University, 2121 Euclid Ave., Cleveland , Ohio, United States, 44115
Dayton Section: Chairman’s Reception
Dayton Section: Chairman’s Reception
IEEE Dayton Section: Chairman’s Reception Date: Friday, March 21, 2025 Time: 5:30 PM- 7:30 PM Location: Troni's Italian Restaurant, 1314 East Dorothy Ln, Kettering, OH 45419 All members of the IEEE Dayton Section Invited! Please come and meet the IEEE Dayton Section Executive Committee members and officers. We will have an official Dayton Section meeting with the members in attendance, and enjoy a dinner with your IEEE colleagues. The Section will pay for food and one drink up to $18 for IEEE Members of the Dayton Section, and up to $15 for non-members. Please sign up for the event before noon on March 18th. Agenda: A. Introduce the executive committee members and chapter and group leaders. B. Present section budget and priorities to the general membership. C. Socialize/network. Bldg: Troni's Italian Restaurant, 1314 E. Dorothy Lane, Dayton, Ohio, United States, 45419
Ohio Regional Science Fair
Ohio Regional Science Fair
Nine county science fair. Thirty-five school systems represented. IEEE will have an informational table and take part as sponsored judges. Prizes for significant projects will be awarded. Co-sponsored by: Ohio Academy of Science Bldg: Student Union Ball Room, Kent State University, 800 Summit St., Kent, Ohio, United States, 44242