Week of Events
Lehigh Valley WIE Planning Meeting 02/03/2025
This is a planning meeting for the Lehigh Valley WIE Affinity Group. Interested Lehigh Valley Section WIE members or prospective members are welcome to attend. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/461492
Baltimore Section Executive Committee (ExCom) Meeting, 10 February 2025
Baltimore Section Executive Committee (ExCom) Meeting, 10 February 2025
Monthly meeting of the IEEE Baltimore Section's executive committee. The meeting is open to all Section members. This meeting will be by videoconference only. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456281
IEEE Northern Virginia section ExCom – February meeting
IEEE Northern Virginia section ExCom – February meeting
Executive Committee meeting for officer, committee, and affinity group updates. Agenda: (https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m49b8f3d162cba20c153f7e7763e9fb46) https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m49b8f3d162cba20c153f7e7763e9fb46 Meeting number: 2535 722 9989 Meeting password: hB5JFjMPm23 Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free Access code: 2535 722 9989 Room: Longfellow Room, Westover Library, 1644 North McKinley Road, Arlington, Virginia, United States, 22205, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464442
Administrative Committee Meeting via Zoom
Administrative Committee Meeting via Zoom
Meetings of the Administrative Committee are held virtually. Members are welcome to attend. Reserve your place by registering online or calling the office by the Monday before. Agenda: AdCom Meeting: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/452200
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Rui Li, PhD – 11 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Rui Li, PhD – 11 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Dr Rui Li of will take a deep dive into the Multimodal Interaction and Affective Computing Lab (MIAC Lab) at Montclair State with a focus on Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction. This exciting work involves multimodal information processing, immersive interaction, intelligent systems for vehicles and robots. Her passion is for the interdisciplinary study of human emotion, behavior, and cognition to bring about excellent human-machine interaction and intelligent machines. Speaker(s): Dr. Rui Li PhD Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456316
How to Design PCB Transmission Lines with Controlled Impedance
How to Design PCB Transmission Lines with Controlled Impedance
How to Design PCB Transmission Lines with Controlled Impedance February 12th, 2025 | 10 AM PT When designing circuits in the GHz range, ensuring uniform transmission line impedance becomes critical to maintain signal integrity. These traces play a key role in managing propagation delay, which is essential for synchronized data transfer. In this webinar, you’ll learn the best practices for designing PCB transmission lines with controlled impedance. Speakers Brian Walker, Senior RF Engineer SME at Copper Mountain Technologies Amit Bahl, CRO at Sierra Circuits Register at: (https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcpmt.link%2F40IiTvU&data=05%7C02%7Crachel.m.dudukovich%40nasa.gov%7Cfa1b9e2ac9f64a1064b108dd46e8c0bb%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C638744687665352063%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=XFpKKZ3S9yPip6D8yEau%2BcLoMTtgK62j1m3loNh3vH0%3D&reserved=0) To design efficient high-speed traces, first, you need to evaluate the critical length (lc). It is the threshold value beyond which a trace behaves as a transmission line. Typically, lc is 1/6th of the signal’s operating wavelength. When signal lines exceed this length, you need to implement appropriate design rules to avoid impedance mismatches. For achieving uniform impedance throughout the transmission line, select laminates with a low dielectric constant (Dk<4). Ensure the material’s Dk is consistent over the operating frequency and temperature ranges. To reduce signal attenuation, choose materials with a lower dissipation factor (Df<0.005). A well-planned stack-up is important for minimizing dielectric loss. Place high-speed layers adjacent to solid ground planes to lower parasitic inductance. Incorporate symmetrical stack-ups to avoid noise coupling. Implement serpentine traces and meandering techniques to minimize propagation delay. Keep the spacing between serpentine loops at least three times the trace width to avoid coupling. To ensure consistent impedance and reduce signal reflections, terminate the high-speed tracks correctly. A series termination involves placing a resistor close to the driver. Whereas, in shunt termination, a resistor is connected in parallel with the receiver. The choice of termination depends on the application and the characteristics of the signal. To reduce conductor loss in PCB transmission lines, opt for ENEPIG and ENIG surface finishes as they minimize conductor resistance and help maintain uniform impedance. Co-sponsored by: Copper Mountain Technologies Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/468097
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: AI Unpacked: What Leaders Need to Know to Stay Ahead
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: AI Unpacked: What Leaders Need to Know to Stay Ahead
Is AI a threat to your job? Will middle management really disappear? In this talk, we’ll answer these questions and more. You’ll learn what AI really is, and the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning. We’ll break down popular buzzwords like ChatGPT and large language models, and explore how these technologies are shaping the workplace. As a leader, you need to be able to talk about AI—not just as a tool, but as a way to transform teams, drive innovation, and lead change. This session will give you the confidence to navigate these conversations in interviews, networking, or your current role. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of how to stay competitive, whether by upskilling or positioning yourself as a future-focused leader. Plus, discover how tailored coaching can help you leverage AI knowledge to elevate your job search and career strategy. Speaker(s): Elizabeth Lions Agenda: IEEE-USA's free webinars/events are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. Learn about our sponsor: the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program - Powered by AMBA. AMBA specializes in providing tailored insurance solutions for IEEE members. Whether you’re seeking health, life, or disability coverage, AMBA has you covered. Visit the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program website to explore the benefits and options available to you: (https://www.ieeeinsurance.com/) For information regarding upcoming webinars or to visit our vast webinar archive, please visit: (https://ieeeusa.org/careers/webinars/) (https://newsletter.smartbrief.com/rest/sign-up/2479DAB0-4089-43E7-925D-86AE0C1E6244?campaign=e0d52cef) Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462467
Introduction to the Electronics, Antennas and Software for Radio Astronomy
Introduction to the Electronics, Antennas and Software for Radio Astronomy
A presentation on the engineering of and demonstration of the receivers, antennas and software required for radio astronomy. Demonstration of a small scale radio telescope will be available for students. Co-sponsored by: Stark College Astronomy Club/Stark College IEEE Chapter Room: E204, Bldg: Main Campus Building, Stark College, 6200 Frank Ave. NW, North Canton, Ohio, United States, 44720
IEEE – Columbus Control Systems Society ExCom Meeting -WebEx Meeting
IEEE – Columbus Control Systems Society ExCom Meeting -WebEx Meeting
Dear IEEE Members, You are invited to the upcoming IEEE Columbus Control Systems Society ExCom Meeting. This is a great opportunity to discuss upcoming events, projects, and the future direction of our society in the region. Agenda: 1. Welcome & Introductions - Brief introductions of ExCom members - Share professional backgrounds and roles in the society 2. Overview of IEEE and the Control Systems Society - Overview of IEEE and the Control Systems Society’s mission, vision, and goals - Discuss the purpose and value of the local chapter 3. Review of Current Status & Chapter Overview - Discuss the current state of the local chapter - Identify any immediate challenges or opportunities 4. Goal Setting & Planning - Discuss hosting events - Discuss potential upcoming events or initiatives 5. Scheduling Future Meetings - Decide on the frequency of future ExCom meetings (monthly, bi-monthly, etc.) 6. Any Other Business - Open the floor for additional comments, questions, or ideas 7. Closing Remarks & Next Steps - Summarize action items and assign responsibilities - Confirm next meeting date and goals Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/467612
Prudentia: Findings of an Internet Fairness Watchdog
Prudentia: Findings of an Internet Fairness Watchdog
Abstract: Almost all traffic on the Internet today is sent by Congestion Control Algorithms, which aim to maximize utilization of available bandwidth on an Internet link while simultaneously sharing this bandwidth equally with competing traffic. With the rise of heterogeneous congestion control algorithms and increasingly complex application control loops (e.g. adaptive bitrate algorithms found in video streaming), the Internet community has expressed growing concern that network bandwidth allocations are unfairly skewed, and that some Internet services are ‘winners’ at the expense of ‘losing’ services when competing over shared bottleneck links. In this paper, we provide the first study of fairness between live, end-to-end services with distinct workloads. Put simply, if you and your roommate are watching Netflix and YouTube on a bandwidth-constrained Internet link, would you end up streaming your video at the lowest resolution while your roommate enjoys a high quality 4K stream, or would the outcome be fairer? Among our findings, we observe that services typically achieve less-than-fair outcomes: on average, the ‘losing’ service achieves only 72% of its max-min fair share of link bandwidth. We also find that some services are significantly more contentious than others: for example, one popular file distribution service causes competing applications to obtain as low as 16% of their max-min fair share of bandwidth when competing in a moderately-constrained setting. Speaker(s): , Adithya Room: Room 316, Bldg: 3rd floor theater space , 135 N. Bellefield, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
AI in Security: Fireside Chat with Bronwyn Woods, Director of Data Science at Duo Security
AI in Security: Fireside Chat with Bronwyn Woods, Director of Data Science at Duo Security
The Women in Engineering groups of Baltimore and Northern Virginia are pleased to host a virtual fireside chat with Bronwyn Woods, Director of Data Science at Cisco's (https://duo.com), a user-centric identity management platform. Ms. Woods leads an interdisciplinary team that builds Duo’s policy, threat detection, AI, and risk-based enforcement capabilities. She holds a PhD in Statistics and Neural Computation from Carnegie Mellon University. For the last ten years, she has been applying data techniques with evolving names (statistics, ML, AI, data science) to hairy real-world problems in security and education. In this chat, we’ll ask her about her journey as a data scientist, how Duo is applying data science to answer difficult real-world security questions, and what a future of AI in security looks like. We'll also ask her about breaking down disciplinary silos and building synergy among different talents to orchestrate solutions to hard problems. Bring your questions, either technical or professional career path, as we will have a Q&A session at the end. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464015
Q&A Session on Officer Elections
Q&A Session on Officer Elections
I am hosting an open call to allow voting members of the Southern New Jersey Section to ask questions regarding the election process; responsibilities and duties of the different officer positions; the onboarding, training, and support for the officers; and any other related questions you may have. For those that need it, here is the nomination link. Self nominations are welcomed. https://nominations.vtools.ieee.org/tego_/nominate_or_petition/R20041 Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/465727
IEEE-Columbus Section 2025 Preliminary Budget Meeting
IEEE-Columbus Section 2025 Preliminary Budget Meeting
Hello Everyone, You are cordially invited to attend an IEEE meeting to discuss and work on passing the budget for our upcoming projects. Agenda: Agenda: - Overview of proposed budget - Review of past budget performance - Open floor for suggestions and concerns - Vote on budget approval Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/468322
Euclidean mirrors and first-order changepoints in network time series
Euclidean mirrors and first-order changepoints in network time series
Euclidean mirrors and first-order changepoints in network time series Dr. Zachary Lubberts Assistant Professor of Statistics University of Virginia Friday, February 14th, 2025 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Eastern Time George Mason University Nguyen Engineering Building, Jajodia Auditorium, Room 1101 4511 Patriot Circle, Fairfax, Virginia 22030 The seminar talk is also live-streamed. Please (https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.office.com%2Fr%2FiKmfG9TRfL&data=05%7C02%7Ckhassan1%40gmu.edu%7Ce68f0039cf52432c66c808dd4ab57147%7C9e857255df574c47a0c00546460380cb%7C0%7C0%7C638748865415063328%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=1D2gQLkg7uv19bP2BlNWzEai3uqtgwiCO3DLlEQitbQ%3D&reserved=0) to receive the link. Abstract: We describe a model for a network time series whose evolution is governed by an underlying stochastic process, known as the latent position process, in which network evolution can be represented in Euclidean space by a curve, called the Euclidean mirror. We define the notion of a first-order changepoint for a time series of networks, and construct a family of latent position process networks with underlying first-order changepoints. We prove that a spectral estimate of the associated Euclidean mirror localizes these changepoints, even when the graph distribution evolves continuously, but at a rate that changes. Simulated and real data examples on organoid networks show that this localization captures empirically significant shifts in network evolution. Bio: Zach Lubberts is a data scientist working on the interplay of statistics and optimization, with an emphasis on statistics on graphs. Some of his recent publications concern accurate estimation of the eigenvectors of random matrices and the capture of relevant signal in various graph models, including time series of graphs. Lubberts earned his Ph.D. in applied mathematics and statistics from Johns Hopkins University in 2019. His dissertation research focused on the application of real algebraic geometry to the construction of multivariable tight wavelet frames for use in signal processing. He also earned his bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics and statistics and philosophy from Johns Hopkins in 2013. Room: Jajodia Auditorium Room 1101, Bldg: Nguyen Engineering Building, , George Mason University, 4511 Patriot Circle, Fairfax, Virginia, United States, 22030, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/468380
IEEE Dayton Section Quarterly Meeting
IEEE Dayton Section Quarterly Meeting
IEEE Dayton Section Quarterly Meeting Friday February 14, 2025 11am until 1pm University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI) - Daniel J. Curran Place 1700 S. Patterson Blvd. Dayton, OH 45409 - Free Parking is available. Please park in a spot labeled "Visitor Parking" (to the right of the building as you enter the main driveway). There are also accessible parking spots closer to the building, directly across from the Main Entrance doors. - Upon entering the Main Entrance of the building, proceed to the Receptionist, who will issue you a Visitor badge for the meeting. - The meeting will be to the right, in the 1st Floor Auditorium. - Lunch will be provided (Italian Buffet) at the start of the meeting. If you have any dietary restrictions, please select the Alternative Lunch option and specify the type of dietary restriction. - Due to security at the building, please register by Wed Feb 12 Directions - From the North - Take I-75 south to exit 51 at Edwin C. Moses Blvd. Turn left and follow Edwin C. Moses Blvd east to W. Stewart Street. Turn right and follow W. Stewart Street to S. Patterson Blvd. Turn right and follow S. Patterson Blvd two blocks to Carillon Blvd. Turn left to enter Curran Place. - From the South - Take I-75 north to exit 51 at Edwin C. Moses Blvd. Turn right and follow Edwin C. Moses Blvd east to W. Stewart Street. Turn right and follow W. Stewart Street to S. Patterson Blvd. Turn right and follow S. Patterson Blvd two blocks to Carillon Blvd. Turn left to enter Curran Place. - From the East - Take I-70 west to I-75 south. Proceed southbound through Dayton and take exit 51 at Edwin C. Moses Blvd. Turn left and follow Edwin C. Moses Blvd east to W. Stewart Street. Turn right and follow W. Stewart Street to S. Patterson Blvd. Turn right and follow S. Patterson Blvd two blocks to Carillon Blvd. Turn left to enter Curran Place. - From the West - Take I-70 east to I-75 south. Proceed southbound through Dayton and take exit 51 at Edwin C. Moses Blvd. Turn left and follow Edwin C. Moses Blvd east to W. Stewart Street. Turn right and follow W. Stewart Street to S. Patterson Blvd. Turn right and follow S. Patterson Blvd two blocks to Carillon Blvd. Turn left to enter Curran Place. - From UD Campus - Exit campus and travel west on Stewart Street toward the Great Miami River to S. Patterson Blvd. Turn left and follow S. Patterson Blvd two blocks to Carillon Blvd. Turn left to enter Curran Place. Any questions can be sent to Dr. Amy Doll, Vice-Chair, IEEE Dayton Section ((mailto:[email protected]) Agenda: - Activities and volunteers needed for 2025 - Section priorities for 2025 - Budget for 2025 - Other business Bldg: Daniel J. Curran Place, University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI), 1700 S. Patterson Blvd. , Dayton, Ohio, United States, 45409
General Meeting
General Meeting
Join us for our second general meeting! Free Pizza as always! Room: 321, Bldg: Engineering Hall, 401 North Campus Drive, Glassboro, New Jersey, United States, 08028