Week of Events
AC Traction Power Protective Relaying Topics: Replacing Single-Function Relays with Multifunction Digital Relays
AC Traction Power Protective Relaying Topics: Replacing Single-Function Relays with Multifunction Digital Relays
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Philadelphia Chapter is holding a technical meeting. The topic is AC Traction Power Protective Relaying Topics: Replacing Single-Function Relays with Multifunction Digital Relays. Our speaker is Seth Nelson, Product Line Manager, Basler Electric Company. AC traction power substations along the Northeast Corridor and Philadelphia area were originally designed using single-function electromechanical and solid-state protective relays. Railway agencies have recently been using multifunction digital relays when upgrading substations with new protection systems or when replacing existing relays at frequency converter stations. The existing single-function protective relays can be adjusted using a screw driver and a 4-page manual. The new multifunction relays can be programmed from a laptop while following a 450 to 1200-page manual, depending on the vendor. Mr. Seth Nelson will present the Basler BE1-FLEX multifunction digital relay and how it can be integrated into an existing traction power system, including recommendations on how to replace existing relay schemes. Options to retrofit into the existing cutouts without needing to cut or replace the panel will be discussed. A high-voltage breaker-and-a-half scheme will be used as an example. There is no charge for meeting attendance, only for PDH certificates. Attendees may apply for 1.0 PDH provided through the IEEE Certificates Program, accepted in all states. Member cost is $7.00 and non-member cost is $10.00 (USD) via vTools (credit card payments are processed through PayPal). Complete online evaluation after lecture at https://r2.ieee.org/philadelphia-vts/forms/ Payment must be received and evaluation form must be completed within three days to receive PDH certificate. IEEE VTS Philadelphia Chapter Officers: Chapter Chair: Brandon S. Swartley, P.E., STV Incorporated, brandon.swartley@ieee.org Vice-Chair: Harvey Glickenstein, P.E., F.I.R.S.E., h.glickenstein@ieee.org Secretary and Treasurer: Robert Fisher, P.E., WSP, rbfisher@ieee.org Speaker(s): Seth Nelson, Agenda: Introduction - Overview of Basler relays - Types of protection schemes to use on 25 Hz traction power systems - Replacing existing schemes using multifunction relays - Physical replacement of existing relays by replacing relay panel doors or retrofitting into existing cutouts Questions Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/460346
Spring Company Panel
Spring Company Panel
IEEE Undergraduate is inviting in 4 companies (American Electric Power, Multi-Dimensional Integration, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, ad Burns & McDonnell) to come and network with engineering students. Companies will give a short presentation on what they are about and what opportunities they have, along with answering any Q&A about their company. Room: 300, Bldg: Journalism Building, 242 W 18th Ave, Columbus, Ohio, United States
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Baek-Young Choi, PhD – 28 January 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Baek-Young Choi, PhD – 28 January 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
[] Dr. Baek-Young Choi is an internationally leading scholar in the Internet of Things, 5G and beyond, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Dr. Choi's innovative research has led to numerous Best Paper, Best Poster, and Best Video awards, as well as recognition as conferences’ keynote speaker, Distinguished Lecturer, and Associate Editor-in-Chief of the flagship magazine of the IEEE Society. She has served in many international leadership roles in her technical society, including Chair of IEEE Women in Communications Engineering, Chair of Sister societies, and a technical oversight committee of flagship conferences in IEEE, general chair, and technical program committee chair for multiple international conferences and workshops. Speaker(s): Baek-Young Choi, PhD Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456310
MOVE Tech Talk – JAN 2025 – Overview of a Mass Fatalities Response
MOVE Tech Talk – JAN 2025 – Overview of a Mass Fatalities Response
Peter Teahen will be our presenter. The scope of a mass fatalities response extends well beyond the return of remains to surviving family members. Addressing the complex needs of such an incident includes several critical tasks: protecting potential crime scenes; managing resources and personnel effectively; conducting comprehensive searches and recovering remains; understanding relevant legal and regulatory issues; identifying and returning remains accurately; and ensuring that the families of the deceased are treated with compassion, dignity, and respect for their cultural and religious beliefs. It is essential that responders are equipped with the necessary tools to fulfill their duties and are prepared to manage the substantial physical and emotional stress they will encounter during the response. Co-sponsored by: IEEE-USA MOVE Program Speaker(s): Peter Teahen Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462333
Cybersecurity Webinar CyberPro.AI Careers in Technology Special Event 29 Jan 1:30pm
Cybersecurity Webinar CyberPro.AI Careers in Technology Special Event 29 Jan 1:30pm
Dr Victor B Lawrence and Stevens Institute of Technology Campus Hoboken, NJ – On Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, Stevens Institute of Technology will host an innovative cybersecurity webinar in partnership with CyberPro.AI, a leader in cybersecurity training and resilience. The event will take place from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM and will be held both in-person at Stevens and virtually, engaging participants from Rutgers University, NJIT, and Camden County College, Brookdale Community College, and Newark County College. The webinar will feature a live presentation and demo by Yaniv, CEO of Cympire, CyberPro.AI’s cyber simulator platform. This cutting-edge SaaS solution offers hyper-realistic, hands-on training environments tailored to the needs of academic and professional institutions, enhancing cyber resilience and preparedness. Key Highlights of the Event: 1. Cyber Simulator Demo Attendees will experience a live demonstration of Cympire’s platform, showcasing its capability to immerse users in real-world cyber scenarios, from advanced persistent threats to vulnerability management, all designed to align with frameworks such as NIST-NICE and MITRE ATT&CK. 2. Professional Cybersecurity Workshop CyberPro.AI will introduce a 45-hour professional workshop designed for integration into academic programs, providing in-depth training to help participants advance their cybersecurity skills. 3. 600-Hour Cybersecurity-Level Program Attendees will learn about CyberPro.AI’s proposed social mobility program for the state of New Jersey, which aims to provide extensive training to community college students, fostering cybersecurity skills and career readiness. This webinar is ideal for educators, cybersecurity students, and professionals eager to integrate innovative, hands-on training solutions into their programs or institutions. About CyberPro.AI: CyberPro.AI specializes in delivering scalable, customizable, and accessible cyber training solutions. Its platform is trusted by leading organizations and academic institutions worldwide to build mission-ready cyber defense teams through its Cloud-Native Cyber Range and Cympire Campaign Studio. Zoom Meeting: (https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstevens.zoom.us%2Fmy%2Fvictorlawrence&data=04%7C01%7Ccsyoo%40law.upenn.edu%7C1b355e6a64344cfa097808d87ad1949a%7C6cf568beb84a4e319df6359907586b27%7C1%7C0%7C637394387846084773%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=2CZlw3ePOoM2xbIbrhe0A32hizd8tF4GwudfP9gKx1o%3D&reserved=0) Meeting ID: 544 607 0257 Agenda: Event Details: • Date: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 • Time: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Zoom Meeting: (https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstevens.zoom.us%2Fmy%2Fvictorlawrence&data=04%7C01%7Ccsyoo%40law.upenn.edu%7C1b355e6a64344cfa097808d87ad1949a%7C6cf568beb84a4e319df6359907586b27%7C1%7C0%7C637394387846084773%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=2CZlw3ePOoM2xbIbrhe0A32hizd8tF4GwudfP9gKx1o%3D&reserved=0) Meeting ID: 544 607 0257 Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464287
Weekly Intelligence Meeting
Weekly Intelligence Meeting
Weekly session for DeVry University Students to ask a professional questions related to engineering and computer sciences. Everyone's invited. Don't miss out on Valuable insights! Bring your questions and topics for discussion. Collaboration and sharing knowledge are key to our growth as future engineers. Meeting starts at 19:00 CT. Speaker(s): Ian Oberdorf Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464024
Exploring the Future of Wireless Connectivity: Key Innovations in Radiating Systems for Near and Far Field Communications
Exploring the Future of Wireless Connectivity: Key Innovations in Radiating Systems for Near and Far Field Communications
Exploring the Future of Wireless Connectivity: Key Innovations in Radiating Systems for Near and Far Field Communications Prof. Mauro Ettorre, Fellow IEEE Date: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM, Thursday, Jan 30th, 2025 Place: 132 MRC-New Bldg. Conference Room; ElectroScience Laboratory, 1330 Kinnear Rd, OH43212 Zoom Link - https://osu.zoom.us/s/99751785029; ID: 997 5178 5029 Password:277865 Speaker(s): Mauro Room: 132 MRC-New Bldg., 132 MRC-New Bldg. Conference Room;, 1330 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43212, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462025
Services Provided by the IEEE-USA Consultants Committee: A Presentation for Local Consultant Network Chairs
Services Provided by the IEEE-USA Consultants Committee: A Presentation for Local Consultant Network Chairs
A Consultants Committee Virtual Meeting A few years ago the (https://ieeeusa.org/committees/aicncc/) polled local consultants network chairs to find out the status of their local consultants network. What the Consultants Committee learned is that many local consultants networks are having trouble organizing in-person meetings. We also learned that many chairs have questions about activities of the IEEE-USA Consultants Committee. On January 30 at 12:00pm-1:00pm EST, the IEEE-USA Consultants Committee is again sponsoring a virtual workshop for local consultant network chairs. We have asked senior committee members William Kassebaum and Larry Nelson to give a presentation on key activities and services of IEEE-USA Consultants Committee. In addition, these committee members will add their commentary about what independent consultants should expect in 2025. After the presentation, there will be a Q/A with members of the IEEE-USA Consultants Committee. IEEE-USA Consultants Committee members want to address any questions about the committee's activities that local chairs may have. The speakers will address any additional questions chairs may have regarding the presentation. So, we invite all Chairs, Vice Chairs and other network officers, as well as potential future Board members, to register and attend this online event. This meeting will be recorded to be used as an on Demand resource. Speaker(s): William R. Kassebaum, Larry Nelson Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/460103
IEEE-Columbus January 2025 ExCom Meeting -WebEx Meeting
IEEE-Columbus January 2025 ExCom Meeting -WebEx Meeting
Hello Everyone, Join the Columbus Section Executive Committee to connect with fellow members and guests. The meeting will cover administrative updates, as well as the status of current and upcoming Technical and Affinity Society events. Society and Affinity chairs, if you're unable to attend, please send your section activity updates to Ramy Tantawy at ramy@senseics.com Student chapters are welcome to attend and network with the section members and officers. Agenda: Agenda: Virtual ExCom Meeting 6:00 Welcome/Call Meeting to Order 6:15 Secretary’s Report: Approval of ExCom Minute Chair’s Report Vice Chair’s Report Treasurer Report 6:30 Professional, Society, Affinity, and Student Branch Reports 6:45 Old and New Business Discussions 7:30 Adjourn Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463898