2024 Joint IEEE Region 1 / Region 2 EXCOM/SPC Meetings
Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa , 243 Tresser Blvd, Stamford, Connecticut, United States, 06901Week of Events
Columbus Stem & Arts Expo
The Columbus STEM & Arts Expo will be taking place at the Polaris Fashion Place on November 3 2024 at 12:00PM - 6:00PM. IEEE Columbus has reserved a booth to connect with our community and IEEE members. This is a great opportunity to take your child or your inner child to experience steam activities and different fields of engineering. We already have enough volunteers for the IEEE table however we would be great-full if you stopped by and introduce yourself. 1500 Polaris Pkwy, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43240
2024 Joint IEEE Region 1 / Region 2 EXCOM/SPC Meetings
R1/R2 Joint Board Meeting. Detailed Agenda is TBD. Approximate times below This Registration is for R1/R2 Joint Excom/SPC meeting on November 9th and 10th only. - This event including companion registrations for dinners (as applicable) - You must register for the hotel via this link: (https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1708028831422&key=GRP&app=resvlink) PLEASE NOTE THE OCTOBER 16 5PM ET deadline for hotel. Agenda (Times approximate) - R1/R2 Strategic Planning Committee - Saturday 11/9 at 3 PM - R1/R2 Executive Committee Meeting - Saturday 11/9 7-9 PM - R1/R2 Executive Committee Meeting - Sunday 11/10 8 AM- 12 PM NOTE: Region 1 and Region 2 will be hosting a Dinner Friday night starting at 7PM. This dinner is open to R1/R1 Excom/SPC and WIE members. If you are able to attend the Friday Night Dinner please register here: (https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/433952) Reminder that you were also sent a discount code for the WIE Forum which is a separate registration. Contact your region secretary if you cannot locate that information and wish to register for the WIE Forum: WIE Forum link: (https://attend.ieee.org/wie-forum-usa-east-2024/) Agenda: Full Agenda TBD R1/R2 SPC should plan on arriving in time for Saturday November 9 meeting beginning at 3pm (may stay Friday) night if needed due to travel timelines) R1/R2 ExCom should plan on arriving in time for Saturday November 9 meeting beginning at 7pm (may stay Friday night if needed due to travel timelines) . R1/R2 Excom/SPC Partners/Spouses may attend the Saturday dinner (Cost for guests: $25). All R1/R2 expense reports will be submitted through IEEE Concur Travel Expense reporting system through your respective region. Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa , 243 Tresser Blvd, Stamford, Connecticut, United States, 06901
IEEE NOVA Section EXCOM November Meeting
This is the November meeting of the IEEE Northern Virginia Section Executive Committee. Room: Beech Room, Lubber Run Community Center, 300 N. Park PL, Arlington, Virginia, United States, 22203, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/442325
IEEE Columbus Student Branch Outreach
Join the Educational Activities Chair of IEEE Columbus and learn how to help your student branch grow and hear his life stories about IEEE and the massive impact it has had on his life. Speaker(s): , Ian Oberdorf Agenda: Introductions What is IEEE Impacts IEEE has had on the life of Ian Oberdorf. Questions Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/442108
Perry Nuclear Power Plant Tour with IEEE-CSU
Join us for an exclusive IEEE-CSU tour of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant! On Saturday, November 16th, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of nuclear power with a 25-person guided visit led by plant expert Ryan Briggs. This unique experience will includes a 2-hour presentation followed by a 1-mile guided walk around key plant structures. Don’t miss this chance to learn about nuclear energy up close and have your questions answered by industry professionals! 10 Center Road, Perry, Ohio, United States, 44081
IEEE R2 Mini-Syncs (Kaizen Approach) – 2024 Series
IEEE R2 Mini-Syncs (Kaizen Approach) – 2024 Series
IEEE R2 Mini-Sync (1) RD and Team Passdown (2) R1/R2 Vitality - Ask Us Anything - Kaizen Deep Dive for your Vitality challenges. https://ideaboardz.com/for/IEEE%20R1%2FR2%20Vitality%20Kaizen%20072024/5328100 Kaizen Event in a nutshell. We will walk through all of the elements and and pilot an approach. - Preparation - Define objectives and scope - Select team members - Gather relevant data - Plan logistics (date, location, materials) - Kick-off Meeting - Present objectives and goals - Outline agenda and roles - Set expectations - Current State Analysis - Map existing processes - Identify inefficiencies and issues - Collect and review data - Idea Generation - Brainstorm improvement ideas - Use tools like fishbone diagrams or 5 Whys - Prioritize potential solutions - Solution Development - Develop and design solutions - Create action plans - Assign responsibilities - Implementation - Execute the action plans - Monitor progress - Make adjustments as needed - Review and Measure - Assess the impact of changes - Compare against initial goals - Collect feedback from the team - Standardization - Document new processes and procedures - Train staff on changes - Integrate improvements into regular operations - Follow-up - Schedule regular check-ins - Continue to monitor performance - Ensure sustainability of improvements - Celebration and Recognition - Acknowledge team efforts and successes - Share results and lessons learned Agenda: IEEE History Center / IEEE Foundation Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/389643
Administrative Committee Meeting via Zoom
Administrative Committee Meeting via Zoom
Meetings of the Administrative Committee are held virtually. Members are welcome to attend. Reserve your place by registering online or calling the office by the Monday before. Agenda: AdCom Meeting: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/427858
2024 IEEE Nanotechnology Council NTC TC10 Modeling and Simulation November Webinar
2024 IEEE Nanotechnology Council NTC TC10 Modeling and Simulation November Webinar
Abstract: Join us for an in-depth exploration of Nanoscale MOSFET Simulation using the Subband Boltzmann Transport Equation (SBTE), powered by the advanced GTS Nano Device Simulator (NDS). This webinar will guide you through the fundamentals of simulating MOSFETs at the nanoscale, focusing on device performance and transport phenomena. We will demonstrate live simulations and cover not only traditional silicon-based MOSFETs but also cutting-edge 1D and 2D materials like transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), graphene, and carbon nanotubes. Attendees will gain hands-on insights into modeling these materials and learn how to leverage the SBTE for advanced device design. Co-sponsored by: TC 10 Co-Chair, Josef Weinbub Agenda: Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/444325
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: AI & The Future of Jobs
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: AI & The Future of Jobs
Speaker(s): Elizabeth Lions ***CANCELED*** Agenda: IEEE-USA's free webinars/events are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. Learn about our sponsor: the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program - Powered by AMBA. AMBAspecializes in providing tailored insurance solutions for IEEE members. Whether you’re seeking health, life, or disability coverage, AMBA has you covered. Visit the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program website to explore the benefits and options available to you: (https://www.ieeeinsurance.com/) For information regarding upcoming webinars or to visit our vast webinar archive, please visit: (https://ieeeusa.org/careers/webinars/) (https://newsletter.smartbrief.com/rest/sign-up/2479DAB0-4089-43E7-925D-86AE0C1E6244?campaign=e0d52cef) Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/427449
From Hardware to Algorithms: Probabilistic Computing for Machine Learning, Optimization, and Quantum Simulation
From Hardware to Algorithms: Probabilistic Computing for Machine Learning, Optimization, and Quantum Simulation
This talk will highlight probabilistic computers as an emerging paradigm for domain-specific computation. Firmly connected to the widely used Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms widely used in physics, statistics, and ML, the talk will show how networks of probabilistic bits, or p-bits, in hardware can deliver improvements in time and energy to solutions for ML, optimization, and quantum simulation. Probabilistic computers leverage a physics-inspired architecture with sparse connectivity and asynchronous updates, enabling massive parallelism. Digital implementations in single FPGAs show competitive performance against optimized GPUs/TPUs. Recent efforts with a distributed system of multiple FPGAs creates the “illusion” of a single, more powerful system, achieving near-linear speedup with minimal communication overhead. Beyond digital CMOS, magnetic nanodevices offer intrinsic randomness, replacing thousands of transistors per p-bit and reducing energy per operation. Our ongoing efforts aim to integrate these devices into energy-efficient CMOS+X systems. Comparisons with quantum computers, GPUs/TPUs, and coupled oscillators will illustrate how probabilistic computers combined with tailored algorithms could achieve GPU-like impact and enable new applications. Speaker(s): , Kerem 5000 Forbes Ave, Bosch Spark Conference Room, Scott Hall 5201, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15213
From Hardware to Algorithms: Probabilistic Computing for Machine Learning, Optimization, and Quantum Simulation
From Hardware to Algorithms: Probabilistic Computing for Machine Learning, Optimization, and Quantum Simulation
This talk will highlight probabilistic computers as an emerging paradigm for domain-specific computation. Firmly connected to the widely used Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms widely used in physics, statistics, and ML, the talk will show how networks of probabilistic bits, or p-bits, in hardware can deliver improvements in time and energy to solutions for ML, optimization, and quantum simulation. Probabilistic computers leverage a physics-inspired architecture with sparse connectivity and asynchronous updates, enabling massive parallelism. Digital implementations in single FPGAs show competitive performance against optimized GPUs/TPUs. Recent efforts with a distributed system of multiple FPGAs creates the “illusion” of a single, more powerful system, achieving near-linear speedup with minimal communication overhead. Beyond digital CMOS, magnetic nanodevices offer intrinsic randomness, replacing thousands of transistors per p-bit and reducing energy per operation. Our ongoing efforts aim to integrate these devices into energy-efficient CMOS+X systems. Comparisons with quantum computers, GPUs/TPUs, and coupled oscillators will illustrate how probabilistic computers combined with tailored algorithms could achieve GPU-like impact and enable new applications. Speaker(s): , Kerem 5000 Forbes Ave, Bosch Spark Conference Room, Scott Hall 5201, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15213
History, Design, and Construction of Computing Machines
History, Design, and Construction of Computing Machines
Dr. Luke Turgeon will present excerpts from the first two books in his History of Computing Machines series. Starting with basic numerical representation, he will move into the building blocks that make up modern devices. This is a hybrid meeting. See below for virtual instructions The physical location is Room 416 in Packard Lab, 19 Memorial Drive West on the Lehigh University campus. The building is located between Memorial Drive and W. Packer Ave. Parking is available along Packer Ave (pay by phone) or in garages near the Alumni Memorial Building and the Zoellner Arts Center. Co-sponsored by: CH02170 - Lehigh Valley Section Chapter,C16 WE20027 - Lehigh Valley Section Affinity Group,WIE Speaker(s): Luke Agenda: 7:00PM Welcome 7:05PM Presentation Room: 416, Bldg: Packard Lab, 19 Memorial Drive W, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/442259
DeVry IEEE Student Branch planning and opportunities meeting
DeVry IEEE Student Branch planning and opportunities meeting
This will be a friendly meeting for us to get to know each other and make plans for our student branch. Most importantly we wish to discuss our available DeVry Online IEEE Student Branch Officer positions and how you can apply. The IEEE Student Branch is a great opportunity to gain experience and bolster your resume while making valuable connections. Join the meeting from our Discord server Executive Committee voice channel: https://discord.gg/DjMV2TXv6T Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/445310
Challenges, Solutions, and the Future of High-Power Microwave Antennas
Challenges, Solutions, and the Future of High-Power Microwave Antennas
High power antennas are specially designed to direct source power for long range effects in fields such as communication, radar, space, and defense. For defense, specifically high power microwave (HPM) systems, power levels of 100s of MWs to GWs are expected. As power level increases, breakdown in the transmit antenna becomes a leading challenge. The combination of high power and short pulses create fields that often meet or surpass the air breakdown threshold. Minimizing a systems Size, Weight, and Power consumption (SWaP-c) to maximize mobility while maintaining high gain creates a challenging problem space. Recent work in antennas show promise in addressing the common challenges faced by the directed energy (DE) community, shifting the future of HPM antennas. Co-sponsored by: Wright-Patt Multi-Intelligence Development Consortium (WPMDC), The DOD & DOE Communities Speaker(s): Anna Agenda: High power antennas are specially designed to direct source power for long range effects in fields such as communication, radar, space, and defense. For defense, specifically high power microwave (HPM) systems, power levels of 100s of MWs to GWs are expected. As power level increases, breakdown in the transmit antenna becomes a leading challenge. The combination of high power and short pulses create fields that often meet or surpass the air breakdown threshold. Minimizing a systems Size, Weight, and Power consumption (SWaP-c) to maximize mobility while maintaining high gain creates a challenging problem space. Recent work in antennas show promise in addressing the common challenges faced by the directed energy (DE) community, shifting the future of HPM antennas. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/445517
Resume Workshop
Resume Workshop
This is a resume workshop dedicated to prepare the Wilkes University IEEE Chapter for their future career and job search by going over resumes and reviewing personally brought resumes. Room: 259, Bldg: SLC, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, United States
IEEE R1R2 Regional Training – Nov 16, 2024
IEEE R1R2 Regional Training – Nov 16, 2024
Section officer training for R1 and R2 units. Co-sponsored by: University of Maine Agenda: IEEE R1R2 Regional Training Nov 16, 2024 UMaine Research (Portland Gateway), 300 Fore St, Portland, ME Agenda: 9:30-10:00 Registration and networking 10:00-10:15 Welcome and introductions 10:15-10:45 IEEE Organization (Bala Prasanna, R1 Director) 10:45-11:15 Sections and Chapters (Murty) 11:15-11:45 Student Activities (Ali) 11:45-12:45 Networking Lunch (off site - 5 min walk) 1:00- 1:20 Young Professionals (Sam) 1:20- 1:40 Ethics (Oscar) 1:40- 2:10 OUAnalytics/vTools (Eugene - Remote) 2:10- 2:20 Break 2:20- 3:00 Jeopardy (IEEE Style) / Discussions 3:00- 3:15 Closing Remarks (Bala) 300 Fore St, Portland, Maine, United States, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/442564
IEEE R1R2 Regional Training – Nov 16, 2024
IEEE R1R2 Regional Training – Nov 16, 2024
Section officer training for R1 and R2 units. Co-sponsored by: University of Maine Agenda: IEEE R1R2 Regional Training Nov 16, 2024 UMaine Research (Portland Gateway), 300 Fore St, Portland, ME Agenda: 9:30-10:00 Registration and networking 10:00-10:15 Welcome and introductions 10:15-10:45 IEEE Organization (Bala Prasanna, R1 Director) 10:45-11:15 Sections and Chapters (Murthy) 11:15-11:45 Student Activities (Ali) 11:45-12:45 Networking Lunch (off site - 5 min walk) 1:00- 1:20 Young Professionals (Sam) 1:20- 1:40 Ethics (Oscar) 1:40- 2:00 OUAnalytics/vTools (Eugene - Remote) 2:00- 3:00 Jeopardy (IEEE Style) / Discussions 3:00- 3:15 Closing Remarks (Bala) 300 Fore St, Portland, Maine, United States, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/442564
Heinz History Museum Guided Tour
Heinz History Museum Guided Tour
This event is sponsored by the Pittsburgh Signal Processing Society (SPS) and Control Systems Society (CSS) as well as the Pittsburgh Young Professionals Affinity Group. Voted the #1 History Museum in America by USA Today, the Senator John Heinz History Center is the largest history museum in Pennsylvania and a Smithsonian Affiliate. Located in Pittsburgh’s historic Strip District, the History Center preserves and interprets American history with a Western Pennsylvania connection. Explore six floors of engaging exhibits and iconic artifacts, perfect for visitors of all ages. The History Center is home to the two-floor Western Pennsylvania Sports Museum, which celebrates legendary athletes and unforgettable moments from the City of Champions. Don’t miss the museum’s new exhibition, A Woman’s Place: How Women Shaped Pittsburgh, which shares the inspiring stories of fierce and unflappable women who helped change the world. Our group will be taking the “History Highlights Tour”: A History Highlights tour offers participants a condensed overview of Western Pennsylvania’s and Pittsburgh’s history as told by artifacts, stories, and prominent personalities represented in the History Center’s collection and exhibits. This tour introduces the History Center and touches on Pittsburgh’s and Western Pennsylvania’s history, its significant events and industries, the waves of immigration that shaped the city, the innovations that originated in the region, along with its cultural highlights and sports legacy. This tour is a great introduction to the “people” museum and offers a broad understanding of the city’s and region’s history. https://www.heinzhistorycenter.org/visit/heinz-history-center/ Agenda: Guided tour on Saturday, November 16th at 10:30 a.m Senator John Heinz History Center, 1212 Smallman St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15222