Week of Events
Lehigh Valley WIE Planning Meeting 10/7/24
This is a planning meeting for the Lehigh Valley WIE Affinity Group. Interested Lehigh Valley Section WIE members or prospective members are welcome to attend. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/435646
IEEE NOVA Section ExCom October Meeting
This is the monthly meeting of the IEEE Northern Virginia Section Executive Committee. Room: Hickory Room, Lubber Run Community Center, 300 N. Park PL, Arlington, Virginia, United States, 22203, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/436167
Administrative Committee Meeting via Zoom
Meetings of the Administrative Committee are held virtually. Members are welcome to attend. Reserve your place by registering online or calling the office by the Monday before. Agenda: AdCom Meeting: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/427856
Do we have good online reputation systems?
Abstract: Reputation systems are crucial to online platforms’ health. They are prevalent across online marketplaces and social media platforms either visibly (e.g., as star ratings and badges) or invisibly as signals that feed into recommendation and moderation engines. In theory, good behavior (e.g., honest, accurate, high-quality) begets high reputation, while poor behavior is deterred and pushed off the platform. In this talk, I will discuss how these systems seem to fulfill this mission only coarsely: reputation metrics alone are not strong predictors of success, nor disappearance, nor misbehavior. On one platform, we were able to predict 2 times more suspensions than the reputation system in place using other public signals. In another platform, we found that users with high reputation signals were suspended at significantly lower rates (up to 3 times less) for the same number of offenses and behavior as regular users, which may be counterproductive to platform health. Our results show that crowds develop various heuristics to flag low-quality/malicious, often disregarding reputation and leaving much room for improvement. Speaker(s): Alejandro Cuevas Villalba , Room: 5th floor conference room (Room 538-539), 130 N. Bellefield , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15260
Basic Circuit Workshop 2
Basic Circuit Workshop 2
This is a Continuation of the First Circuits Workshop Held on 10/03/2024. Co-sponsored by: Dr. Abas Sabouni Room: 259, Bldg: SLC, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, United States
AI Past, Present and Future
AI Past, Present and Future
This presentation provides an introductory talk to the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), tracing its evolution through key milestones and breakthroughs. We will explore the foundational requirements for AI, including the critical role of big data, and high-performance computing (HPC). The presentation will highlight AI's potentials, such as natural language processing (NLP), image processing, and diverse applications in scientific research. Additionally, we will address the inherent limitations of AI, focusing on security challenges, and the risks of data leakage. This introduction aims to equip participants with an understanding of AI's capabilities and constraints, fostering informed discussions about its future impact Co-sponsored by: Ali Daneshmand Speaker(s): Ifana, Agenda: Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/428481
IEEE R2 Mini-Syncs – 2024 Series
IEEE R2 Mini-Syncs – 2024 Series
IEEE R2 Mini-Sync - RD and Team Pass Down - IEEE Future Directions (Kathy Grise) - IEEE Collabratec (Madhulika Choudhary) Agenda: IEEE Future Directions / New Initiatives Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/389642
Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 – Florence Hudson and William Harding, PhD 08 October 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 – Florence Hudson and William Harding, PhD 08 October 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Careers in Technology and Standards in Action: IEEE 2933 Clinical IoT Data and Device Interoperability with TIPPSS - Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety, Security a new Standard -- Selected for the 2024 Award Advanced technologies enable digital transformation … and can increase RISK. Connected healthcare leveraging advanced technologies and data can improve insights and outcomes. In the context of this important rapidly developing Clinical IoT industry, the IEEE 2933 Working Group has been selected as a recipient of the IEEE SA Emerging Technology Award “For the development of IEEE 2933-2024, IEEE Standard for Clinical Internet of Things (IoT) Data and Device Interoperability with TIPPSS - Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety, Security.” The IEEE SA Emerging Technology Award is awarded for the initiation, advancement or progression of a new technology through the IEEE SA open consensus process. Leadership of this team Florence Hudson and William Harding, PhD will share their extensive knowledge and experience, and provide an excellent deep dive into careers in this field. Speaker(s): Florence Hudson, William C. Harding, PhD Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/434307
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: Using Hybrid Work to Improve Retention and Productivity While Cutting Costs
IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar: Using Hybrid Work to Improve Retention and Productivity While Cutting Costs
This dynamic session uses case studies drawn from the IEEE community to help you dramatically improve your ability to use hybrid work as an instrument to improve retention and productivity while cutting costs. Many leaders rely on traditional office-centric collaboration and leadership styles in managing hybrid teams. Yet research conclusively demonstrates that, instead of incrementally improving on the old-school office-centric approach, the best outcomes in managing hybrid teams come from adopting a flexible hybrid-first work model. Doing so results in much higher retention and productivity, reduces costs, and boosts engagement, innovation, collaboration, and risk mitigation. Through adopting hybrid work best practices based on this training, you will empower yourself and your team to maximize retention, productivity, and cost savings in our increasingly-disrupted future of work. All attendees will have an opportunity to receive a complimentary copy of the speaker's best-selling book on which this talk is based, called Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams. If you would like to get a complimentary copy of Dr. Gleb Tsipursky's book please fill out your information (https://disasteravoidanceexperts.com/event/)." Speaker(s): Dr. Gleb Tsipursky Agenda: IEEE-USA's free webinars/events are designed to help you find your next job, maintain your career, negotiate an appropriate salary, understand ethical considerations in the workplace and learn about other career-building strategies and public policy developments that affect your profession. Learn about our sponsor: the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program - Powered by AMBA. AMBAspecializes in providing tailored insurance solutions for IEEE members. Whether you’re seeking health, life, or disability coverage, AMBA has you covered. Visit the IEEE Member Group Insurance Program website to explore the benefits and options available to you: (https://www.ieeeinsurance.com/) For information regarding upcoming webinars or to visit our vast webinar archive, please visit: (https://ieeeusa.org/careers/webinars/) (https://newsletter.smartbrief.com/rest/sign-up/2479DAB0-4089-43E7-925D-86AE0C1E6244?campaign=e0d52cef) Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/427447
IEEE Industry Connections: President Tom Coughlin & President Elect Kathleen Kramer
IEEE Industry Connections: President Tom Coughlin & President Elect Kathleen Kramer
[] Tune in Live to hear Tom Coughlin IEEE President and Kathleen Kramer IEEE President-Elect. Those who register will receive a WebEx Link. The IEEE Industry Engagement Committee (IEC) will host its first IEEE Industry Week from 5 October to 9 October, culminating in an excellent Event on 9 October featuring Dr Thomas Coughlin IEEE President and Dr Kathleen Kramer IEEE President Elect. Join everyone for this important message from IEEE Leadership about the Industry Engagement Committee (IEC) and their vision of the future, addressing needs of individuals, members, community, and industry to meet our mission: advancing sustainable development for humanity. 9 October 2024 11:00am - 11:30am IEEE in Industry Tom Coughlin, IEEE President 11:30am - 12:00pm 2025 Planning Kathleen Kramer, IEEE President-Elect 12:00pm - 12:05pm Closing Remarks Jessica Bian For information about the entire week schedule, please see attachment. If you have trouble connecting to this WebEx Link, please see the links in the attachment. WebEx Link for October 9: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://ieee.webex.com/ieee/j.php?MTID%3Dma2fc89ea 22696c962553d2443d876e36&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1728402538754117&usg=AO vVaw23Yxu5Ydi11PMohuwLT0j6 Agenda: 9 October 2024 11:00am - 11:30am IEEE in Industry Tom Coughlin, IEEE President 11:30am - 12:00pm 2025 Planning Kathleen Kramer, IEEE President-Elect 12:00pm - 12:05pm Closing Remarks Jessica Bian Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/437889
IEEE Lehigh Valley PES Meeting Wed, 9-Oct: Off-Grid Solar Power & Smart Village
IEEE Lehigh Valley PES Meeting Wed, 9-Oct: Off-Grid Solar Power & Smart Village
Over 600 million people lack access to the electricity grid. This form of energy poverty disproportionately afflicts those living in developing countries, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia. Closer to home, tens of thousands of households, mostly on tribal lands are without grid electricity. Achieving universal electrification through grid extension is optimistically decades away, and in many rural areas may never occur. This talk describes approaches to providing off-grid electricity solutions in the form of renewable energy-powered mini-grids, microgrids, energy kiosks, and solar home systems. Dr. Louie will draw upon his experiences in Zambia and the Navajo Nation to explain the technology, development approaches, barriers and opportunities for rural electrification. Dr. Louie will also introduce IEEE Smart Village and give examples how IEEE members across the global are working toward ending energy poverty. Co-sponsored by: Lehigh University contact: Wenxin Liu, 850-345-7278 Speaker(s): , Henry Louie Agenda: Presentation: Ending Energy Poverty through Off-Grid Solar Power and IEEE Smart Village Event is open to everyone, including non-members and guests. There is no charge, but advance on-line reservations are required from tab on this page. Prompt start 5:15 pm. Refreshments: Pizza provided mid-event. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 40.609883286370135, -75.37637806931411 Parking options: see maps attached to invitation eNotice: https://www.lehigh.edu/~inpark/campusparkingzonemap070124.pdf 1 - Alumni Bldg Parking Pavilion: text LU11 to 25023 2 - Farrington Zone (Farrington Square Garage, Brodhead & Morton Lot): text LU183 to 25023. Enter license plate, time desired, and payment info. Note that parking is not free; use the "Text to Park" option with a code for payment. The cost is $1 per hour. 3 - New St. Garage. Bethlehem City owned. Take ticket at entrance, pay before exiting. Slight uphill to Morton St. Left to HST bldg. Take stairs in stone wall on your right to first floor entrance of HST. 4 - Some meter parking on Morton St may be available. Need Park Mobile app on your phone to park there. If you don't have it, suggest you download before arriving. You'll need a credit card and your car license information to register on the app. Room: HST 101, Bldg: Health Science & Technology (HST), 124 E Morton St, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States, 18015, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/436025
Integrated Solar-Pannel Antennas
Integrated Solar-Pannel Antennas
Conformal Integration of antennas with solar panels has wide applications, from small spacecraft, Mars rovers, to self-powered wireless sensors. It is particularly beneficial when the surface real estate is a major challenge, such as a CubeSat. A strategic integration not only reduces the development cost, promotes a robust communication link, but also increases the mission capacity by allowing more science instruments to be mounted on the CubeSat. This lecture covers different conformal antenna designs for solar panel integration, from UHF to Ka band. It includes antennas integrated under solar cells, around solar cells, and optically transparent antennas integrated on top of solar cells. It also covers low gain and high gain design. The high gain design mainly focuses on reflectarray antenna, which may be beneficial to those who wishes to study the subject. As these antennas are integrated with solar panel, a unique and complex subsystem, effects of solar cells on the antenna and vice versa need to be analyzed and quantified. The lecture presents analysis of a typical space-certified solar cell, extracted model, experimental set-up to quantify the interaction between solar cells and the integrated antennas. Speaker(s): , , Reyhan Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/437285
The Future of Coal: Energy Generation & Non-Energy Uses
The Future of Coal: Energy Generation & Non-Energy Uses
CONSOL is one of the largest underground U.S. coal producers, located just south of Pittsburgh in Canonsburg, PA. Ironically, the transition to renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy rely heavily on coal as it will be a critical part of the steel and concrete used producing wind turbines, transmission lines and other items needed to get power to consumers. Plus, it will be much longer than people realize, if ever, that renewables can handle the baseload to meet our country’s energy needs. Coal currently represents 35% of the power produced in the world and approximately 15% in the United States. CONSOL created a public education campaign called Not So Fast that addresses this issue. It is fact-based (with references cited) and focuses on how the transition to renewables will be slower than most people think and may result in many unintended consequences. Coal will always be a viable and much-needed product. See www.thecoalhardtruth.com for more information about the campaign. Also, more than half of the coal that CONSOL produces is used for non-power generation uses like steel and concrete production, water filtration, fertilizer and many other products we all need in our daily lives. Through CONSOL Innovations, they have been working on numerous new products and solutions that are bringing coal to new commercial applications. These involve advanced carbon fibers for aerospace parts, building materials and even graphite to be used in EV batteries. Agenda: 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM Lunch will be provided. Room: Suite 101, 275 Technology Drive, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, United States, 15317
Increasing Role of Silicon Photonics and Criticality of Advanced Packaging Technologies to Meet Future Compute Demands
Increasing Role of Silicon Photonics and Criticality of Advanced Packaging Technologies to Meet Future Compute Demands
As the demand for high-performance computing continues to surge, driven largely by advances in artificial intelligence and other data-intensive applications, the semiconductor industry faces growing challenges in meeting these requirements. Traditional approaches, constrained by the slowing of Moore’s Law and the end of Dennard Scaling, are proving inadequate in addressing the exponential increase in compute and bandwidth needs. Silicon Photonics is emerging as a key technology to overcome these limitations. By leveraging the unique properties of silicon for optical communication, Silicon Photonics can offer significant improvements in data transmission speeds and energy efficiency compared to conventional electrical interconnects. This technology has the potential to reduce latency and power consumption, making it a compelling solution for next-generation data centers and high-performance computing systems. Advanced Packaging Technologies are equally critical in this evolving landscape. As chips become more complex and power-hungry, innovative packaging solutions such as chiplets and advanced integration methods are essential to manage power consumption and thermal issues while enhancing performance. These technologies enable more efficient use of silicon area, improved thermal management, and higher bandwidth connections between components. In this talk, we will explore how Silicon Photonics and advanced packaging technologies are not just complementary but essential to addressing the challenges of future compute demands. We will discuss the current state of these technologies, their potential to transform the semiconductor industry, and the ongoing efforts to integrate them into scalable, high-performance systems Speaker(s): Sandeep Sane, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/433612
Applying Machine Learning to Securing Cellular Networks
Applying Machine Learning to Securing Cellular Networks
Talk abstract: Cellular network security is more critical than ever, given the increased complexity of these networks and the numbers of applications that depend on them, including telehealth, remote education, ubiquitous robotics and autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and Industry 4.0. In order to devise more effective defenses, a recent trend is to leverage machine learning (ML) techniques, which have become applicable because of today advanced capabilities for collecting data as well high-performance computing systems for training of ML models. Recent large language models (LLMs) are also opening new interesting directions for security applications. In this talk, I will first present a comprehensive threat analysis in the context of 5G cellular networks to give a concrete example of the magnitude of the problem of cellular network security. Then, I will present two specific applications of ML techniques for the security of cellular networks. The first application focuses on the use of natural language processing techniques to the problem of detecting inconsistencies in the "natural language specifications" of cellular network protocols. The second application addresses the design of an anomaly detection system able to detect the presence of malicious base stations and determine the type of attack. Then I'll conclude with a discussion on research directions. Speaker(s): Elisa Bertino, Room: Room 316 (3rd floor theatre space), Bldg: Information Science Building, 135 N Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15260
R1/R2 Vitality – Ask Us Anything
R1/R2 Vitality – Ask Us Anything
R1/R2 Vitality - Ask Us Anything - Kaizen Deep Dive for your Vitality challenges. https://ideaboardz.com/for/IEEE%20R1%2FR2%20Vitality%20Kaizen%20072024/5328100 ***CANCELED*** Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/427428
General Meeting
General Meeting
For our third event, we will be hosting a panel of company professionals. This panel will be virtual, and participants can come in person or join the call to ask questions, get advice, or get an idea of what a company is like to work for. Free pizza as always! Room: 321, Bldg: Engineering Hall, 401 North Campus Drive, Glassboro, New Jersey, United States, 08028, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/432060
Connect, Compute and Communicate! A Practical Introduction to a DIY Internet-of-Things System
Connect, Compute and Communicate! A Practical Introduction to a DIY Internet-of-Things System
The Internet of Things (IoT) is perceived as a collection of smart, connected devices with the ability to send and receive data; “internet” encapsulates connectivity and “things” are devices (electronic or mechanical) that can be adapted toward connectivity. There is an alternative perception of IoT, as a design methodology that facilitates interoperability and connectivity of physical systems. Edge computing is a strategy for localized analysis of data, ahead in the pipeline of powerful data center- or cloud-based post-processing. This workshop provides an introductory-level exposure of the IoT framework and expands it with edge computing ideology via practical and hands-on exposure. The attendees will be exposed to the IoT framework using sensors, IoT automation and connectivity in a “microLab” environment that includes the Raspberry Pi (single-board computer) and Python programming language. The attendees will be expected to bring their own laptops with the following requirements: • Personal machines or laptops (only) with: o Mac OS 12+ or Windows 10+ operating system o One USB A or USB C port that is available for use during the workshop o WiFi connectivity o A free version of RealVNC® Viewer software downloaded and installed; instructions will be provided to the registrants. o Chrome web browser downloaded and installed The attendees will be expected to work in small groups using a limited number of hardware components and WiFi connectivity that will be provided. The workshop will facilitate learning about how IoT with edge computing capability is going to be the backbone of the industry4.0. Learning objectives: 1. Gain basic, hands-on knowledge of Raspberry Pi hardware with Python programming language 2. Gain exposure to IoT automation platforms such as ThingSpeak 4. Implement one Raspberry Pi-based IoT system 5. Gain insight on edge computing strategies with the Raspberry Pi Speaker(s): Dr. Kartik Bulusu, Agenda: [] Room: Meeting Room 1, Bldg: Thomas Jefferson Library, 7415 Arlington Boulevard, Falls Church, Virginia, United States
Please join us for the monthly administrative meeting of the IEEE Washington Section. All IEEE members in our Section are welcome to attend. IEEE members who wish to volunteer for the Washington Section Administrative Committee are encouraged to attend. Co-sponsored by: Sastry Kompella Agenda: Agenda will be provided soon. Room: Multi-Purpose Room B, Bldg: College park Airport Operations Building, 1909 Corporal Frank Scott Dr , College Park, Maryland, United States, 20740, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/437829