Week of Events
IEEE-USA Alaska Cruise
Sail to Alaska with IEEE-USA! IEEE-USA's cruising saga continues in 2024 to the magnificent, wild Alaskan frontier. Building off of the success of IEEE-USA’s 50th Anniversary Cruise, IEEE-USA will be hosting a 7-night Alaska Cruise 9-16 September 2024. We’ll be cruising in style aboard Royal Caribbean’s Quantum of the Seas from Seattle to stops in Sitka, Skagway, Juneau, and Victoria, BC, before concluding our cruise back in Seattle. Please remember that to participate in the IEEE-USA Alaska Cruise activities, you must book through the (https://cruise.ieeeusa.org). Details: (https://cruise.ieeeusa.org/) Bldg: Smith Cove Cruise Terminal at Pier 91, Port of Seattle, 2001 West Garfield Street, Seattle, Washington, United States, 98119
Baltimore Section Executive Committee (ExCom) Meeting, 9 September, 2024
Monthly meeting of the IEEE Baltimore Section's executive committee. The meeting is open to all Section members. This meeting will be by videoconference only. The meeting link will be sent to registrants. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/391987
Lehigh Valley WIE Planning Meeting 9/9/24
This is a planning meeting for the Lehigh Valley WIE Affinity Group. Interested Lehigh Valley Section WIE members or prospective members are welcome to attend. Agenda: Hindle Power Tour Event Student chapter Hacking event request Meet and Greet at Lehigh Campus Pizzaria IEEE WIE Graduate Student Symposium Mindfulness potential speaker Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/432981
IEEE NOVA Section EXCOM September Meeting
This is the September meeting of the IEEE Northern Virginia Section Executive Committee. Room: Quincy Room, Arlington County Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St., Arlington, Virginia, United States, 22201, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/431865
Integrated Sensing and Communications: A Communication Theory Perspective
In-band full-duplex Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems provide an opportunity for Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) systems to realize spectrum-efficient simultaneous information transmission and environmental awareness. This line of research is typically referred to as FD-ISAC. This talk will review the unique characteristics and challenges of mono-static FD-ISAC, show simulation results (considering 6G Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) waveforms), and outline several directions of future research. Co-sponsored by: Ali Daneshmand Speaker(s): Besma, Agenda: Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/428288
Administrative Committee Meeting via Zoom
Meetings of the Administrative Committee are held virtually. Members are welcome to attend. Reserve your place by registering online or calling the office by the Monday before. Agenda: AdCom Meeting: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/422231
Google search for the term ‘software defined vehicles’ returned about 646M results in 0.33 seconds. The automotive industry is awash with this new buzz phrase. In their report “Rewiring car electronics and software architecture for the Roaring 2020s,” futurists from McKinsey & Company are heralding sweeping industry transformation both technically and commercially. We, GM, are making a splash with our Ultifi Platform that reimagines what it means to own and experience a vehicle and to grow revenue beyond vehicle sales. But what does all this mean for our vehicles – where the rubber meets the road, literally?! This talk will explore the software defined future from a vehicle point of view. Using examples of core vehicle functions like motion control – embedded software that makes our vehicles stop, turn & go – we will dive into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and how we can all engage and shape this exciting future. Speaker(s): Dr. Ganguli Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/422759
IEEE SSIT Lecture: Automating Empathy in Human-AI Partnerships: Issues, Ethics and Governance
IEEE SSIT Lecture: Automating Empathy in Human-AI Partnerships: Issues, Ethics and Governance
Prof Andrew McStay (Bangor University, UK) will present “Automating Empathy in Human-AI Partnerships: Issues, Ethics and Governance” at 6pm (UTC+1) / 1pm EDT on 10 September ’24. Click (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=IEEE+SSIT+Lecture%3A+Automating+Empathy+in+Human-AI+Partnerships%3A+Issues%2C+Ethics+and+Governance&iso=20240910T18&p1=78&ah=1). (https://www.ieee-ukandireland.org/chapters/society-on-social-implications-of-technology/) and SSIT IST-Africa SIGHT are cooperating with a number of IEEE OUs including: North Jersey Section SSIT Chapter; Northern Virginia/Baltimore/Washington SSIT Chapter; Bahrain Section SSIT Chapter; Vancouver Section Jt. Chapter,TEM14/PC26/E25/SIT30; New Jersey Coast Section SIGHT; New Jersey Coast Section Jt. IM/Computer Society Chapter; Southeastern Michigan Section Computer Chapter; North Jersey Section: TEMS Chapter, Computer Chapter, Jt APS/MTT Chapter, WIE AG and SIGHT; (https://www.ieee-ukandireland.org/chapters/computer-society/); Columbia Section, Columbia Section Life Member Affinity Group; Long Island SSIT Chapter and Systems Council Chapter, Phoenix Computer Society Chapter, Maine Section Joint ComSoc/Computer Society Chapter and Chicago Section Computer Society Chapter to organise this SSIT Lecture as a joint Webinar on 10 September ’24. Registration IEEE and SSIT Members as well as non-IEEE Members are invited to (https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/415613) and participate. IEEE Members should include their IEEE Membership Number when registering. Access to online Meeting (https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/415613) will be provided with the link prior to the event. Guest Lecture Focus This lecture considers General-Purpose Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) products marketed as ‘empathic partners’, ‘personal AI’, ‘co-pilots’, ‘assistants’, and related phrasing for ‘human-AI partnering’. Open AI, Inflection, Google, Microsoft, and others, all promise empathic capacities. Current and nascent domains of use include work, therapy, education, life coaching, legal problems, fitness, and entertainment. The lecture focuses on the risks and opportunities of empathic human-AI partnering, what new governance (if any) is required, and the role that soft law standards may play in leading in supporting hard law. To explore empathic human-AI partnering, the lecture will initially provide historical context to these technologies, case examples, and a sense of current governance for technologies used to empathise. With this understanding in place, the lecture will progress to consider need to contrast upstream and downstream understandings of GPAI, complexities of this separation for governance, balancing of short and long-term risks, social and ethical questions unique to empathic human-AI partnering, issues of global cultural variation regarding empathic human-AI partnering, balancing of interests of ethical diversity and unity in creation of soft law and standards, and lessons that can be learned from existing and nascent P7000 standards. Speaker(s): Prof. Andrew McStay, Agenda: 18:00 (UTC+1) / 13:00 (EDT) Welcome and Introduction to Guest Speaker 18:05 Lecture 18:45 Questions and Discussions Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/415613
Fall 2024 Welcome Reception
Fall 2024 Welcome Reception
Start of the year IEEE new student and returning welcome event. Developing interest in IEEE and engineering. Co-sponsored by: University of Mount Union Student Chapter Bldg: Oak Hall, Mt Union University, 1972 Clark Ave., Alliance, Ohio, United States, 44601
Fall 2024 IEEE SBC Welcome Reception
Fall 2024 IEEE SBC Welcome Reception
On Wednesday, September 11th, the UMU IEEE SB and MTT-S SBC will hold the Fall 2024 Welcome Reception as a means to promote our group, activities and goals. Room: 144, Bldg: Oak Hall, 1972 Clark Ave, Alliance, Ohio, United States, 44601
IEEE Mid-Day Training & Factory Tour at HindlePower in Easton, PA
IEEE Mid-Day Training & Factory Tour at HindlePower in Easton, PA
* Stationary Battery Sizing with Battery History and Charger Sizing. * Discussion and vision of the future for battery backup reliability/cost at the residential level when solar is unavailable. * Event is open to everyone, including non-members and guests. There is no charge, but on-line reservations are required from tab on this page. Capacity 24 seats. * 1.5 PDH credits available upon request when registering. Co-sponsored by: HindlePower, Inc., in Easton, PA https://www.hindlepowerinc.com/ Speaker(s): Art Salander, Agenda: 11:00 am - Registration check-in. 24 seat limit. Advance only. 11:30 am - Training Session 12:00 pm - Great Lunch Included 1:00 pm - Training Session 2:00 pm - Factory Tour HindlePower, 1075 Saint John Street, Easton, Pennsylvania, United States, 18042-6661
Life Member Tour Burlington County Prison Museum
Life Member Tour Burlington County Prison Museum
RSVP HERE. Tickets at door. Age >55, $3.00; Younger adults $5.00; Extra for audio tour $3.00 Everyone is welcome to attend! The Burlington County Prison Museum is a National Historic Landmark located in historic Mount Holly. Designed by Robert Mills, one of America 's first native-born and trained architects, the Burlington County Prison was completed in 1811. One of Robert Mills' first designs as an independent architect, the interior vaulted ceilings of poured concrete and brick and stone construction made the building virtually fireproof. In fact, it was so well constructed that it remained in constant use until 1965. FYI: Restaurants in Mt. Holly Robbins Nest, 2 Washington St. 609.261.6149 Local Eatery & Pub, 64 High Street 609.702.7230 Parking on Grant Street Speaker(s): Carl Taraschi, Bldg: Historic Burlington County Prison Museum , 128 High Street, Mt. Holly, New Jersey, United States, 08060
“Empowering Your Childs Financial Future”- A step-by-step Guide to Financial Literacy
“Empowering Your Childs Financial Future”- A step-by-step Guide to Financial Literacy
The presentation is Titled “Empowering Your Childs Financial Future”- A step-by-step Guide to Financial Literacy by Finacial Advisor Daniel Lauletta. It is a family-type presentation that does not relate to retirement or financial investing. This an excellent program for section and student members with kids of various ages to young adults. The presentation is about 45 minutes with 5 to 10 minutes for questions and answers. The Section could provide some drinks and refreshments. Topics: - Assess your Childs Financial Knowledge - Introducing Core Finacial Concepts - Engaging in Practical Activities - Foster Open Communications Link to Teams meeting, please email Helen Winfrey if you want to join the meeting virtually at [email protected] (https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDI1MmY2MTctM2ZhNy00NzhmLTllZjUtYzE2ZmQzMGQxZTY3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221e499723-7349-4285-b0be-a3ebbe98306a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f9a5a711-756a-4dc2-b1b2-b0779f705882%22%7d) Speaker(s): DANIEL Agenda: 6:00 Welcome and Networking 6:15 Speaker Introduction 6:15 Presentation 7:00 Question and Answers 7:30 Adjourn Room: Conference Room C, Bldg: AEP Building, 8600 Smith Mill Road, New Albany, OH 43054, New Albany, Ohio, United States, 43021
100 Years of STEM Celebration
100 Years of STEM Celebration
100 Years of STEM Celebration by Institute of Radio Engineers at the Washington Academy of Sciences. Naval Radio Research Laboratory at the Bureau of Standards and the Naval Research Laboratory IRE members started the program in 1924 by starting a radio school named Bellevue Radio School in Anacostia DC. Come participate as we reflect STEM 100 years ago, 50 years ago and currently with an imaginative view of STEM in 2049 with breakout sessions for students in the day long event Co-sponsored by: Women in Engineering Agenda: Historical Perspectives and Reflections 9am -1130am AAAS Auditrorium Breakout Sessions on STEM in 2049 and Youth Summit on science and engineering engagement at the Phil Abelson & Roger RevelleRooms 12-3pm Future Forward with Engagement with STEM leadership 1500= 1630 AAAS Auditorium Room: Auditorium, Bldg: AAAS Building, 1200 New York Avenue, Washington DC, District of Columbia, United States, 20005
General Meeting
General Meeting
Our first GM of the semester will consist of an ice breaker bingo activity and gaming on a PS5. Free pizza as always! Room: 321, Bldg: Engineering Hall, 401 North Campus Drive, Glassboro, New Jersey, United States, 08028
Importance of EW: A Discussion
Importance of EW: A Discussion
Discussion on the emerging importance of Electronic Warfare (EW), as discussed in this piece by Steven Glinert ( founder and CEO of Sphere Semi) on the Substack blog "Noahpinion" by Dr. Noah Smith: https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/the-us-needs-to-pay-more-attention?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=35345&post_id=148678099&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=22qr67&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email And continuously discussed in the Association of Old Crows (AOC) Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance (JED): (https://crows.org/jed/) Some questions to answer: what should a technical education in EW look like? What topics, subjects, and content should an undergraduate or graduate program contain and include? How can EW literacy be promoted in the public, to include K-12 STEM education and outreach? Co-sponsored by: Wright-Patt Multi-Intelligence Development Consortium (WPMDC), The DOD & DOE Communities Speaker(s): Timothy Agenda: Discussion on the emerging importance of Electronic Warfare (EW), as discussed in this piece by Steven Glinert ( founder and CEO of Sphere Semi) on the Substack blog "Noahpinion" by Dr. Noah Smith: https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/the-us-needs-to-pay-more-attention?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=35345&post_id=148678099&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=22qr67&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email And continuously discussed in the Association of Old Crows (AOC) Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance (JED): (https://crows.org/jed/) Some questions to answer: what should a technical education in EW look like? What topics, subjects, and content should an undergraduate or graduate program contain and include? How can EW literacy be promoted in the public, to include K-12 STEM education and outreach? Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/433781