Week of Events
IEEE NOVA Section EXCOM August Meeting
This is the August meeting of the IEEE Northern Virginia Section Executive Committee. Room: Longfellow Room, Bldg: Suite 3, Westover Library, 1644 North McKinley Road, Arlington, Virginia, United States, 22203, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/429095
Administrative Committee Meeting via Zoom
Meetings of the Administrative Committee are held virtually. Members are welcome to attend. Reserve your place by registering online or calling the office by the Monday before. ***CANCELED*** Agenda: AdCom Meeting: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/418457
Pittsburgh Section Executive and Administrative Committee – AUGUST (HYBRID)
You may use the following link to write a summary of any monthly updates from your committee, chapter or affinity group. Information received by 8 AM on WEDNESDAY the week of the event will be incorporated into the meeting agenda. IEEE members can access prior meeting minutes hosted on the Pittsburgh Section's (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_UTt5t_dxNP1M5dO87OOeR25t8P7qQHp?usp=sharing). Access to the shared drive is restricted to the (https://www.ieee.org/membership/products/google-apps.html). Meeting Location: 16 Castle Shannon Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15228 MEETING IS HYBRID. Meeting link and call-in information will be emailed one hour before the event. --------------------------------------------------------------- New to IEEE Pittsburgh? For those new to the Pittsburgh Section Executive and Administrative Meeting, we welcome all IEEE members in the area to attend! This is a standing meeting held on the 3rd Thursday of every month. We review our upcoming activities relevant to engineers in our section. Feel free to use the report link above to ask any questions you may have, join us on Slack, or read through our welcome guide for more information about how you can get involved with IEEE Pittsburgh. (https://ieeepittsburgh.slack.com/) (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lyWneXlANAQAiJN2p6Bi9kAatooxIQ-YzlGpWRmRGBw/edit?usp=sharing) (https://webinabox.vtools.ieee.org/wibp_calendar/index/R20037) Agenda: First 30 minutes of the event are reserved for socializing. The meeting portion starts at 7 pm (eastern time zone). The meeting agenda will be emailed on Monday the week of the event for early registrants. 16 Castle Shannon Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15228, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/429855
IEEE R2 Mini-Syncs – 2024 Series
IEEE R2 Mini-Syncs – 2024 Series
IEEE R2 Mini-Sync RD Pass Down SIGHT: Ms. Juliana Pichardo, WIE: Celia Shahnaz YP: Saaveethya Sivakumar Life Members: Rajendra Asthana Agenda: WIE / YP / Life Members Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/389639
Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 – Virtual Panel Discussion
Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 – Virtual Panel Discussion
The Careers in Technology (CIT) virtual career panel consists of a group of industry leaders and experts who interact directly with the participants in a moderated Q&A session. In this way, participants gain insight into what the technology community considers valuable (skills, certifications, experience, etc.) so that they can better prepare for a career change or entry into a technology-related career. The participants of the Summer 2024 virtual panel are Marie Perry, Paul Carney and Radhika Kanubaddhi - you can find their bios below. Note: While the Careers in Tech Organizing Committee is exploring offering PDH for virtual sessions going forward, that effort is still in progress. As a result, we will be unable to offer PDH for this session, but expect to be able to do so in the near future. Speaker(s): Marie Perry, Paul Carney, Radhika Kanubaddhi Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/423708
IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecture on Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Radar
IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecture on Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Radar
Description: Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Radar is an emerging technology for detecting and characterizing targets and cultural features for military and geosciences applications. It is essential to have fine range and cross-range resolution to characterize objects near and under severe clutter. This Lecture is divided into five parts. • The Early History of Battlefield Surveillance Radar: Battlefield surveillance from manned and unmanned aircraft, along with early experiments in fixed and moving target detection and foliage penetration are covered. • UWB Phased Array Antenna: Wideband waveforms place a significant demand on the ESA design to maintain gain and sidelobe characteristics. Design of ESA systems with time delay steering and digital beamforming will be illustrated. • UWB Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): A brief description of key UWB surveillance SAR systems will be provided, along with illustrations of the SAR image and fixed object detection capability. • UWB Ground Moving Target Indication: Space time adaptive processing (STAP) has been used for over 20 years for detecting and tracking moving targets in clutter. This section will discuss an approach for increasing the bandwidth and maintaining geolocation accuracy with Along Track Interferometry. • New research in Multi-mode Ultra-Wideband Radar: The last section of the lecture will illustrate new technologies that have promise for future multimode operation: simultaneous SAR and GMTI in a multichannel radar. Speaker(s): Dr. Mark E. Davis, Agenda: Technical Talk: 11:30 – 13:00 Wright Brothers Institute (Tec^Edge), 5000 Springfield Street, Dayton, Ohio, United States, 45431
Three dimensional Yttrium iron garnet nanoresonators for hybrid magnonics
Three dimensional Yttrium iron garnet nanoresonators for hybrid magnonics
Technical talk by Georg Schmidt, who did his physics diploma and PhD at RWTH Aachen working on selective CVD growth of Si/SiGe nanostructures. After his PhD he joined Laurens Molenkamp in Aachen as a PostDoc and started the group of spintronics working on spin injection into III/V semiconductors. Together with Laurens Molenkamp he moved to Würzburg in 1999 where he continued this research, extending the effort to II/VI semiconductors and adding the development of high resolution lithography techniques and spin dynamics in metallic systems. In 2004 he did his habilitation on spin injection and spin transport in semiconductors. Among other things he took part in the realization of the first electrical spin injection into a semiconductor light emitting diode and he identified the so-called conductance mismatch as a fundamental obstacle for spin injection into semiconductors from metallic ferromagnets. For this work he received the Bernhard-Hess Dozentur from Regensburg University (2002) and the Rudolph-Kaiser Preis (2005). In 2009 he became full professor for nanostructured materials at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Recently his group developed a process for room temperature deposition of Yttrium iron garnet that allows to fabricate freestanding 3D YIG nanoresonators that hold promise in studying coupling phenomena between magnons, photons and phonons. Co-sponsored by: Carnegie Mellon University Room: 7316, Bldg: Wean Hall, Department of Physics, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Please join us for the monthly administrative meeting of the IEEE Washington Section. All IEEE members in our Section are welcome to attend. IEEE members who wish to volunteer for the Washington Section Administrative Committee are encouraged to attend. Co-sponsored by: Sastry Kompella Agenda: Agenda will be provided soon. Room: Multi-Purpose Room B, Bldg: College park Airport Operations Building, 1909 Corporal Frank Scott Dr , College Park, Maryland, United States, 20740, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/429640