The Stony Brook Student Branch would like to invite you to the
2025 Region 1 and Region 2 Joint Student Conference
 April 4 – 6, 2025.

Early Registration Deadline: February 5th, 2025

General Registration Deadline: March 5th, 2025

Registration for this event closes on March 5th, 2025.

Register Here

If you have any questions, suggestions, or inquiries,
please reach out to us at

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


Friday, April 4: Arrival and reception in the evening

Saturday, April 5: All competitions during the day, Banquet in the evening

Sunday, April 6: Optional workshops in the morning.

Detailed Program: Will be posted after the registration deadline


  • Micromouse Competition
    • The Micromouse Competition challenges students to create an autonomous robot with the most intelligent maze-solving algorithm. Designing a Micromouse requires elements of robotics, programming, and hardware. Each team’s Micromouse will compete for the fastest time to complete the provided maze.
    • Micromouse Competition Rules
  • Sumo Bot Competition
    • Inspired by Japanese sumo wrestling, the Sumo Bot Competition challenges teams to design, build, and program their own autonomous robots and compete to be the last one standing. The robots are designed to push their opponent out of a circular ring, while adhering to a weight and size requirement.
    • Sumo Bot Competition Rules
  • Mini Pupper Competition
    • The Mini Pupper Competition is a challenge aimed at building and programming a Mangdang robot dog to follow a predefined path marked on a surface and perform dance routines synced to music. Competitors will demonstrate their robots’ ability to speedily follow the drawn path while accurately identifying and performing the instructions provided on the path denoted by various shapes and colors.
    • Mini Pupper Competition Rules
  • Brown Bag Competition
    • The Brown Bag Competition tasks participants to complete circuit challenges in a laboratory setting. Teams of 1-4 participants will be provided electrical components along with their datasheets and apply their electronics knowledge and problem-solving abilities to build a functional device or solution.
    • Brown Bag Competition Rules
  • Ethics Competition
    • The IEEE Student Ethics Competitions (SECs) are endorsed and supported by the official IEEE Ethics and Member Conduct Committee (EMCC). Participants will work in teams of 3-4 to analyze a case study, propose solutions, and present their findings to a panel of judges.
    • Ethics Competition Rules
  • Paper Contest
    • The Paper Contest invites teams or individuals to submit their original innovative engineering and technology projects in the form of a technical paper. The authors for the top three (3) papers will receive a complimentary registration to attend the IEEE/MIT Undergraduate Research and Technology Conference in October 2025, and their presented papers will be sent to IEEE Xplore for publication. Please register for the student conference in step-1 below, then complete the Google form for competitions, before submitting the paper here.
    • Paper Contest Rules and Paper submission link
  • Project Showcase
    • If you’ve worked on a Senior Capstone project or just want to show off a cool thing you built, enter our Project Showcase competition!
    • Project Showcase Rules


    • IoT Ideathon (Extended Workshop)
      • Come join Libin Varghese and Noble Mathew for the IoT Ideathon powered by the IEEE PES/IAS Joint Chapter of Long Island! For this extended 3-hour workshop, they will first teach the basics of IoT technology and LoRaWAN communication and its applications in revolutionizing energy monitoring. To see how this knowledge is applied, they will perform a live demonstration of an IoT-powered energy management system. In the latter portion of the workshop, teams of 2 – 5 students will gain hands-on experience by assembling a power metering system with current sensors and LoRa modules to transmit and analyze real-time data. At least one member of each team should have a laptop and have Arduino IDE installed. A special gift will be given to the best-performing team, so gear up and give it your best shot!
    • Amateur Radio Lecture
      • Amateur Radio, which is often referred to as Ham Radio, is a valuable tool for technical students as puts theory to practice. It is a popular hobby explored by many people across the globe, while also being a vital communication service. Come join George Sullivan, the Vice-President of the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC), for this event where he will teach participants the scope and purpose of using communication technologies through radio frequencies, explore the advancements of analog and digital communications technology, and discuss the opportunities for local amateur radio activities on Long Island, NY.
    • Women In Engineering (WIE) Panel
      • IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, and inspire girls to pursue their academic interests in a career in STEM fields. Please join our the Women in Engineering Panel to hear our panelists discuss their unique experiences in their industries, learn more about the IEEE WIE program, and learn how you can contribute to building a diverse and inclusive workplace for everyone
    • Lecture of Intellectual Property and Patents
      • John Vodopia has been a US Patent Attorney since 1992, and served as the Chair of the Long Island Section Chapter of IEEE Committee for Legal Affairs for the term 2020-2021. His lecture will cover valuable information on the purpose and importance of Intellectual Property and Patents, backed by his extensive and successful career within the industry. Along with the lecture, he will also demonstrate how to prepare a provisional application for the US patent office’s through the “first-to-file” system, and showcase examples of how innovators in some of the most popular and advanced technological fields have protected their intellectual property.
    • Drone Workshop
      • TBA

Activities Log:

  1. IEEE Susquehanna Section 2023 Regional Capstone Winners

    • The 3rd IEEE Susquehanna Section Capstone Award 2023 ceremony was conducted on 10/03/2023. This year the judging panel declared York College of Pennsylvania and Penn State Harrisburg capstone teams as the joint winners.
    • Awarding Photos
  2. IEEE R2 Erie Section: IEEE Erie Student symposium on Monday April 3rd 2023 at Gannon University.

    • Students from different universities participated to present their final year research/projects.
    • There were 9 posters presented from a wide variety of mechanical, electrical, computer, software, environment, and biomechanical engineering fields.
    • Event Photos

Region 2 SACs