Chair, Professional Activities Committee
Kalyan Sen
Download the forms:
Fund Request and Report FormsProfessional Activities (PA) Fund Request and Report Forms
The IEEE Region 2 Professional Activities (PA) 2025 Fund Request and Report Forms will be available as an electronic form in the coming weeks. In the meantime, stakeholders should use the forms currently provided on this webpage to submit funding requests and reports.
To request Professional Activities (PA) funds for a qualified event:
To request Professional Activities (PA) funds for a qualified event, complete the “Fund Request” form and email it to your Section Chair.
The qualified events are geared toward empowering our members. They fall in one of the 4 categories – (1) Professional Training, (2) Attending a PA event, (3) Joint training/meeting/talk with multiple sections, and (4) Activities with Societies/YP/WIE.
If the Section Chair endorses the event, he/she is requested to email the form to R2 PA Chair (Kalyan Sen, senkk@ieee.org) for its approval.
The R2 PA Chair will notify the original Requester along with the Section Chair about the status of the request.
If the event is approved, the original Requester and his/her team may implement the event in the current year, submit the L31 form in vTools and complete the “Report” form, including emailing the form to R2 PA Chair and the Section Chair.
R2 PA Chair will request R2 Treasurer to distribute the funds.
(a) Only the yellow-colored cells need to be completed; (b) Use the same spreadsheet as both the Fund Request and Report forms.
Region PA funds are meant to match Section funds up to current year’s limits and criteria.
Shared costs for PA events are normally paid out at the end of the event. Advance payment is available on request.
R2 PA reimbursement is at most 50% of the actual cost. The reimbursement amount is up to $750 for each Section. If funds are unused after the middle of the year, additional funds may be available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
6 grants of up to $500 (50% of the actual cost) per Section are available for CVD on a first-come-first-serve basis.
For more details on eligible events, please contact Kalyan Sen at senkk@ieee.org.