Life Member Tour Roebling Museum

Bldg: Roebling Museum , 100 2nd Ave, Roebling, New Jersey, United States, 08554

** Space is limited to 28 persons. RSVP by July 10 ** Cost $6 per person, payable at the museum. Visit Roebling Museum to learn about the town that helped build some of America’s most famous bridges! Roebling Museum tells the story of the origins and growth of Roebling, NJ, a company town built by John A. Roebling’s Sons Company. Some of the most important technological achievements of the industrial age such as big bridges, telegraphs and telephones, electrification, deep mines, big ships, elevators and airplanes as well as everyday objects were built in Roebling. Here, ideas and diverse cultures were exchanged through work and the interactions of these communities changed the cultural and industrial landscape of New Jersey. As a former gateway to a sprawling steel mill, the Roebling Museum building once served as the passage point for thousands of workers each day. Roebling Museum believes that the industrial development of the United States is best illustrated and understood through the experiences of the people who built our shared history. At the core of the story is the innovative engineering ideas developed by John A. Roebling, who is best known for designing the Brooklyn Bridge. His three sons, Washington, Ferdinand and Charles, built their father’s company into the world’s leading producer of wire rope with four factories and nearly 8,000 employees at its peak. In 1904, when competition pushed them to start making their own steel, they bought farmland on the Delaware River and built the factory complex known as the Kinkora Works and the company town known as Roebling, NJ for their workers. Since opening our doors in 2010, Roebling Museum has offered a dynamic slate of programs, exhibits, and tours that emphasize and celebrate the experiences of those who lived in Roebling and worked for the John A. Roebling’s Sons Company. Bldg: Roebling Museum , 100 2nd Ave, Roebling, New Jersey, United States, 08554

Summer Picnic for the IEEE Northern Virginia Section

Bldg 2 University Dr, Scranton

Folks, This is the annual summer picnic at the Knights of Columbus in Arlington, VA. Participants are encouraged to bring a favorite side dish or dessert. Hamburgers (including vegetarian), and hotdogs will be served. A variety of refreshments will be available. Bring family and children. Let us know how many people when you register for this event. Dan Cross-Cole Chair, IEEE Northern Virginia Section Bldg: Pavilion, 5115 Little Falls Road, Arlington, Virginia, United States

IEEE Pittsburgh Section Members Family Picnic

Monroeville Park East, 2336 Tilbrook Road, Monroeville, Pennsylvania, United States, 15146

We welcome IEEE Pittsburgh Section members, their families and partners to a picnic. We would like to celebrate the hard work of all our IEEE volunteers. Free and delicious food and soft drinks will be served. Bring your favorite outside games (like corn hole etc.) and arm chairs. Guest speakers from North Pittsburgh Past Finders Metal Detecting Club (NPPF) ( are scheduled to demonstrate the equipment used in metal detecting and how to use this equipment to find lost items. Please register each family member separately for an accurate headcount. Registration is limited to 50 people on a first-come-first-serve basis. Thank you again to all of our volunteers! Agenda: Agenda: 12:00 PM: Gather at Monroeville Park East 12:15 PM: Food served 1:00 PM: games 5:00 PM: Adjourn Monroeville Park East, 2336 Tilbrook Road, Monroeville, Pennsylvania, United States, 15146