Tour of Pitt’s Human Engineering Research Labs (HERL)

Room: (Address is the Bakery Square/Google Garage), 6425 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15206

Founded 30 years ago, the University of Pittsburgh’s Human Engineering Research Labs (HERL) are a part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as the Center for Wheelchairs and Assistive Robotics Engineering. Their mission is to continuously improve the mobility and function of people with disabilities through advanced engineering in clinical research and medical rehabilitation. Current, ongoing projects include Assistive Robotic Manipulators, MEBot,PneuMobility, Transfers (Assessment/Tools/Robotics), and Wheelchair Testing. During the tour, we will see various aspects of this research, including specially developed equipment to support the research projects. HERL offers education for graduate students, interns, and veterans and outreach through many community and national activities. Speaker(s): , Rory Cooper, PhD Agenda: Park in the Bakery Square (Google) Garage 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Lunch at Alta Via Pizzeria in Bakery Square 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Tour of HERL Room: (Address is the Bakery Square/Google Garage), 6425 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15206