IEEE Region 2 Awards Information
Generally, IEEE awards serve several purposes:
- The awards are an expression of recognition for outstanding contributions to the art and science of electro-technology.
- Serve as an incentive to youth to emulate excellence.
- Are a personalized presentation to the public of the achievements of the profession and its members.
- The awards identify IEEE with these achievements.
It is the aspiration of IEEE Region 2 to have a regional awards and recognition program. This new program will bridge the gap of awards between the Sections level and the IEEE-USA level awards. IEEE Region 2 will sponsor a robust program of awards and recognitions, recognizing, rewarding, and promoting excellence in all facets of the professional lives of its members.
The Awards and Recognition Program is one of the most important of all Region 2 activities. It provides the means to recognize those members and Region entities that have brought improvement and recognition to our profession and to the Institute.
The Region 2 Awards include: Outstanding Professional Award, Outstanding Service Award, Outstanding Professional Educator Award, Professional Leadership Award, Outstanding Section and Exemplary Student Branch Award.
Manual: IEEE Region 2 Awards Program
For additional information please contact the Region 2 Awards & Recognition Chair:
Ralph Sprang, Ph.D.
Chair, IEEE R2 Award and Recognition Committee (ARC)