The IEEE Washington/Northern VA Joint-Section Computer Society Chapter promotes computing industry innovation and growth through technical presentations, speaking opportunities, and professional networking. In-person events are open and held in the greater DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia (DMV) area; until COVID-19 restrictions are lifted events are virtual and accessible from anywhere. Registration is free, but there may be a nominal charge for Continuing Education Units or Professional Development Hours if available and requested. Review our list of Past Meetings and provide suggestions or volunteer for future presentations.
Our 1400 members in the IEEE Northern Virginia or IEEE Washington sections who belong to the IEEE Computer Society can also develop their leadership skills by volunteering; contact us if you are interested. Not a member? Apply online. Members of our sister society ACM may be eligible for a $10 dues discount. We look forward to hearing from you.
- Shashank Kaul (, 2023 Chair
- Murty Polavarapu (, 2023 Vice-Chair and Treasurer
* Email aliases on the domain are free to IEEE Computer Society members!