The University of Dayton Section of IEEE has had a great year with increased enrollment, attendance, and participation. We believe our array of event types and continued contact with our members has helped to do this. Some of our events this year have been an IEEE SPAx National Speaker, Dr. Rosa, giving a talk on being a “life-long learner”, an Industry-leading power company, Kiewit, came in to discuss their company, industry, and hiring opportunities, a computer building workshop with both officers and student-members presenting with hands-on demonstrations, and a soldering/ornament creation workshop for our students which we later used the ornaments at Dayton’s 55th Annual Christmas on Campus celebration for kids to draw on for tree ornaments. We are also implementing a mentoring program this year connecting our younger students with older counterparts.

This Winter break, four officers traveled to the Rising Star’s Conference in Las Vegas to attend many seminars, talks, and networking events to help them personally and bring knowledge back to the section.