Fractional Transforms for S-Method and SAR Modeling
Fractional Transforms for S-Method and SAR Modeling
An application of Fraction Fourier Transform is in the study of stochastic signals. In particular we observe speckles of imaging points from a SAR mapping over an annular ring. The model has eight targets arranged in a circular ring with a radius of 10 meters with a secondary ring at 50 meters. There is a center target of which an aircraft approaches. As such the signatures of both the aircraft and the speckles can at times be hard to distinguish, especially if the SAR imaging is smeared. We propose the fractional Fourier Transform as an alternative to standard Fourier Transform to filter the noisy signals and take consideration to smearing. As such we were able to isolate the signals of the targets, speckles, and aircraft. Also we see the S-method for matrix representation of signal can be incorporated with the Fratcional Fourier Transform as to generalizing the monostatic SAR model for one aircraft and a set of speckles and or targets. Co-sponsored by: Wright-Patt Multi-Intelligence Development Consortium (WPMDC), The DOD & DOE Communities Speaker(s): Ernest Agenda: An application of Fraction Fourier Transform is in the study of stochastic signals. In particular we observe speckles of imaging points from a SAR mapping over an annular ring. The model has eight targets arranged in a circular ring with a radius of 10 meters with a secondary ring at 50 meters. There is a center target of which an aircraft approaches. As such the signatures of both the aircraft and the speckles can at times be hard to distinguish, especially if the SAR imaging is smeared. We propose the fractional Fourier Transform as an alternative to standard Fourier Transform to filter the noisy signals and take consideration to smearing. As such we were able to isolate the signals of the targets, speckles, and aircraft. Also we see the S-method for matrix representation of signal can be incorporated with the Fratcional Fourier Transform as to generalizing the monostatic SAR model for one aircraft and a set of speckles and or targets. Virtual: