IEEE Dayton Section/NAECON 2022 – Tutorials – AFIT Kenney Hall & YouTube – 19 Jul

Room: Kenney Hall Auditorium, Bldg: 642, AF Institute of Technology, Hobson Way, WPAFB, Ohio, United States, 45433, Virtual:

The IEEE Dayton Section, original promoter of the National Aerospace & Electronics Conference (NAECON) invites you to participate in this year’s tutorials exploring novel research and contributions to next generation aerospace sensor technologies. This 1 day event will be conducted in person at AFIT’s Kenney and virtually via AFIT’s YouTube Channel. Co-sponsored by: Professor Guru Subramanyam, University of Dayton Agenda: Event Details Day 1: 19 July – Tutorials – 0830-1630 ET 8:45 AM-9:00 AM Introductory Remarks, Dr. Charles Cerny Workshop on Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power Devices (organized by Professor Philip Feng, University of Florida, and John Boeckel, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) 9:00 AM-9:45 AM Invited Talk, Dr. John Blevins, AFRL 9:45 AM-10:30 AM Invited Talk, Dr. Rachel Myers-Ward, NRL 10:30 AM-10:45 AM Break 10:45 AM- 11:30 AM Invited Talk, Dr. Philip Feng 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Lunch (Free for IEEE members- Need registration through V-Tools) Workshop on Memristors and Neuromorphic Computing (Organized by Dr. Sabyasachi Ganguli, AFRL, and Guru Subramanyam, University of Dayton) 12:30 PM- 1:15 PM Invited Talk, “Neuromorphic computing enabled by diffusive memristors”, Professor Joshua Yang, University of Southern California (Virtual) 1:15 PM- 2:00 PM Invited Talk, “CMOS-integrated Non-volatile Resistive Memory for Neuromorphic and In-memory Computing Applications”, Professor Nathaniel Cady, SUNY Polytechnic (Virtual) 2:00 PM- 2:45 PM Invited Talk, “Nano scale PCM for neuromorphic computing”, Professor Ethan Ahn, University of Texas at San Antonio 2:45 PM- 3:00 PM Break 3:00 PM-3:45 PM Invited Talk, “Two- and Three-Terminals Resistive Random Access Memories Memristive Devices for Storage and Neuromorphic Applications”, Professor Rashmi Jha, University of Cincinnati 3:45 PM-4:30 PM Invited Talk, “Multiphysics Model for Prediction of I-V Characteristics of Oxide-Based Memristor Devices in an 1T1R Configuration”, Dr. Sangwook Sihn, University of Dayton Research Institute and AFRL Materials and Manufacturing Directorate Room: Kenney Hall Auditorium, Bldg: 642, AF Institute of Technology, Hobson Way, WPAFB, Ohio, United States, 45433, Virtual: