IEEE Dayton Section Holiday Social

American Czechoslovakian Club, 922 Valley St., Dayton, Ohio, United States, 45404-2068 American Czechoslovakian Club, 922 Valley St., Dayton, Ohio, United States, 45404-2068

RSVP has been extended 24-hours. Please consider joining us for Dinner, but if you cannot, then attend via Zoom.Purpose: Informal social gathering to offer thanks to our members discuss how the Dayton Section can thrive in 2022!Dinner: Pick one of two entrées offered (one is vegetarian), three sides, bread and rollsSocial distancing guidelines will be in effect (masks, table spacing for 50-60)Cost: IEEE Members, FREE; Guests, $8RSVP via vTools NLT 10 Dec 2021Remote AccessFor those who cannot attend in person, you can join using Zoom.Joining infoJoin Zoom Meeting( (ID: 88945587479, passcode: 963830)Join by phone(US) (tel:+13017158592,,88945587479) (passcode: 963830)( 4:30-5:15 PM - Sign-in & Welcome5:15-6:15 PM - Dinner (Catered by Christys) & Social6:15-6:45 PM - Informal Discussion Dayton Section Chair, Dr. Charles Cerny6:45-7:00 PM - Open Discussion and Door PrizesAmerican Czechoslovakian Club, 922 Valley St., Dayton, Ohio, United States, 45404-2068