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Professional Members
Professional Activities Committee (PAC)
IEEE Dayton Section Annual Awards
Consultants Network
Student Members
Student Branch Advisors
- Air Force Institute of Technology: Dr. Timothy Wolfe,
- Cedarville University: Dr. Gerry Brown,
- Sinclair Community College: N/A
- University of Dayton: Dr. Amy Doll,
- Wright State University: Dr. Fathi Amsaad,
Krishna M. Pasala,Ph.D., Memorial Scholarship
To pay tribute to our friend and colleague, the IEEE Dayton Section established the Krishna M. Pasala, Ph.D. Memorial Scholarship. This annual $1000 scholarship will recognize the academic excellence of one graduate student within the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the University of Dayton. The student must be an active IEEE member.
All Members
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- MemberNet: Want to know who is in the Dayton Section? Need to get in touch with someone? Click on their name. Then, to the right of their name, click on the blue box labeled “Send Message”. You will see a popup window that will forward your message to the Member.
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