
PCB Fundamentals – Workshop Announcement

The Columbus SSCS/CAS Chapter is exited to announce a workshop series in PCB design. The chapter is proud to host subject matter expert Dr. Shane Smith for a two-part series of workshops on printed circuit board (PCB) design fundamentals. Food will be provided at each …

Tiny Tapeout – 2024 Workshop Announcement

The Columbus SSCS/CAS Chapter is exited to announce a workshop series for Tiny Tapeout.
We plan to hold three 2-3 hour workshops focusing on different aspects of the digital design process. Each workshop will include an informational portion and a workshop period where participants can get …

CASS Outreach: LiDAR – Technologies and Systems

The next event in the distinguished lecture series is by Dr. Paul McManamon President of Exciting Technology LLC in Dayton, Ohio.
Dr. McManamon will describe what lidar is, and then talk about its applications. He will compare lidar to other sensors for various applications. Lidar has …