
Collaborative Autonomy, GNNs, and Spectrum


Autonomous multi-agent UAV and UGV systems are promising for critical applications such as disaster response, logistics and transportation, supplementing cellular networks, agricultural sensing, environmental monitoring, and security and military operations. Achieving the desired multi-agent collaborative behaviors requires joint perception and information sharing over wireless links. In this talk we look at recent progress on graph neural network (GNN) approaches for learning perception-action-control (PAC) loops. This includes learning what information to share among agents that supports a team objective. Going forward, many issues arise, including how to combine learning and model-based control, achieving scalability and resilient group behavior, and melding mobility and networking. The combination of learning, modeling, and cognitive networking is a promising path to collaborative intelligent systems. Speaker(s): Brian M. Sadler, Agenda: 6:30 PM Welcome and introduction 6:35 PM Presentation 7:20 PM Q&A 7:30 PM Conclude Virtual:

Lehigh Valley WIE Planning Meeting and Officer Elections 11/6/23


This is a planning meeting for the Lehigh Valley WIE Affinity Group. Interested Lehigh Valley Section WIE members or prospective members are welcome to attend. Officer elections will also be held. All Lehigh Valley WIE members are eligible to be an officer. If you would like to have more involvement in our WIE Affinity Group, and in working to support and grow the female engineering community, please come to the meeting and volunteer! Virtual:

1st ECCS Students Research Colloquium (Tuesday, Nov 6th 10:30 am)

Room: Activities Room 103, Bldg: Engineering Building, 525 S Main St Unit, ADA, Ohio, United States, 45810

Dear Members of the IEEE Lima Section, We are organizing the 1st ECCS Students Research Colloquium on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m in Engineering Building Activities Room 103. This platform will provide an opportunity to learn about the research work of students with the ECCS faculty and students. If you are interested in attending the event, please register at the following as soon as possible, so we will have a correct headcount for the arrangments: The event is sponsored by the IEEE Lima Section, and pizza and pops will be available to all participants and attendees. Thanks, Ajmal Khan Chair, IEEE Lima Section Room: Activities Room 103, Bldg: Engineering Building, 525 S Main St Unit, ADA, Ohio, United States, 45810

IEEE Region 2 Mini-Sync


IEEE Region 2 Mini-Sync: - Topic of the Month: Young Professionals with Hasala Dharmawardena - Region Director Pass-down - Region Director-Elect Information Session - Region Vitality Coordinator (Annual Vitality Program Elements) Virtual: